How To Make Oil Absorbing Masks?

You can balance your skin and remove mucus on the surface with just a cheap mask. It’s only need 3 ingredients, all are natural which help clean clogged pores, removes oil and softens your sensitive face skin. It may make your skin itch a little, but do not worry if your face starts feeling not much itchy.

Things you’ll need

  • 1/4 cup oatmeal
  • 3 tbsp. orange or lemon juice
  • 2 tbsp. honey or 3 to 5 drops tea tree oil


  1. Process oatmeal in blender or food mill until it becomes a fine powder. Oats will absorb excess oil as well as reduce redness and soothe your sensitive skin.

How To Make Oil Absorbing Masks?

  1. Combine oatmeal with orange juice or lemonade. By antiseptic qualities of them, orange juice and lemon juice will remove slime and dirt.

Combine oatmeal with orange juice or lemonade.

  1. Add honey to the mixture. Honey has natural antibacterial properties to counteract the buildup of dirt. Honey can help your skin retain moisture, oatmeal gives you smooth skin and lemon juice removes excess oil. The tree oil has similar oil-enhancing properties.

Add honey to the mixture.

  1. Apply the mask over your face and neck and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes. Once the mask has set, soak your finger then massage your face and neck in small circular motions to gently scrub your face. Wash off the mask with warm water.