Super Foods That Can Prevent Skin Cancer In The Summer

Green tea is always the first thing in any lists of super foods that can help skin become healthy because it contains antioxidants, especially compound of against toxic EGCG. This compound will protect your skin from the ultraviolet ray.

Green tea

Green tea is always the first thing in any lists of super foods that can help skin become healthy because it contains antioxidants, especially compound of against toxic EGCG. This compound will protect your skin from the ultraviolet ray.

Green tea will help prevent the damage of DNA in body when you cover with the green tea on your skin and enjoy it all day as a drink to reduce stress. It can improve the repairing and recreating skin cells that are affected by sunlight in summer. In addition, green tea also ensures the hydrating sufficiently. It is a key that can keep skin young and plays the role of barrier in preventing skin cancer in summer.


Especially, yoghurt with less fat is considered the second important food in keeping skin healthy, especially in hot weather. Skin needs a lot of antioxidants to prevent aging while yoghurt is the source that is rich of the strong antioxidants. Moreover, body can absorb yoghurt easily, so it can be good for skin naturally.

Vitamin C can improve the production and prevent the repression of collagen – this is an important protein that can provide the structure for skin. Together with elastin, protein, collagen has the responsibility in ensuring the elasticity and the ability of preventing skin cancer.


Salmon (and the kinds of cold water fish such as tuna, swordfish…) is the source of lean protein and wonderfully natural omega-3 fatty acid. Those are the necessary nutrients that can reduce the state of inflammation and maintain a healthy immune system.

According to a new research, the diet that is rich of omega-3 fatty acid can prevent the harmful effects of the ultraviolet rays’ radiation because of contacting with the sunlight directly. Salmon is the natural gift for beauty, desolate and waste salmon contains some strong pigments of preventing oxidization that is called astaxanthin. It can increase the ability of preventing inflammation of skin, preventing aging and skin cancer.

Black chocolate

Black chocolate contains a lot of unsaturated fatty acid.

People think that black chocolate can cause acne in adolescence. However, high-qualified black chocolate that contains the content of flavonoid (a strong antioxidant) and is extremely plentiful is praised a super product for skin. Research shows that black chocolate protects not only heart but also skin from the harmful effect of sunlight.

Black chocolate contains a lot of unsaturated fatty acid. It can improve the metabolism of skin cells, it also helps skin healthy, prevents the radiations of ultraviolet ray, so it can reduce the worry of being skin cancer, tortoise-shell and wrinkled skin.


When we mention to the kinds of fruit and vegetable, the color often gives the signal about the presence of natural pigment that is very useful with strong features of preventing oxidization. Raspberry is a typical example. With the eruption of taste and color, black raspberry, blueberry, strawberry, and lemon that the typical fruits about the ability of preventing cancer , diseases and containing the antioxidant in the high concentration.

Many super foods can help provide the antioxidants to protect healthiness of skin. In addition, it also reduces the dangerous free radicals that are created by attacks of ultra violet rays’ radiation on skin and reduce the risks of skin cancer.

Kinds of grain

Grain with the whole seed isn’t similar to refined wheat flour or rice that has whitening, it can provide simpler carbohydrates. Fibers in the grain with whole seed are very good for digestive system. In addition, it is a wonderful and friendly source to bring up skin due to the content of vitamin B such as folate, niacin, rutin as well as the micronutrients like Zinc and magnesium. Zinc is an especially important substance to the immune ability of healthy skin.


Saffron contains curcumin compound that has the big meaning for health skin.

Saffron is a popular spice, it can bring the attractive taste for many dishes. Due to the especial curcumin compound, it also has the big meaning for healthy skin. According to research, curcumin compound can prevent the development of skin cancer that is more and more popular, especially cancer of scale cells’ epithelium. Curcumin also reduces the inflammation and operates as an antioxidant to reduce the damage of skin.

Olive and olive oil

Olive and olive oil are compared “nutritious superstar”.

Olive and olive oil are compared “nutritious superstar”. It contains multi-unsaturated fat and phytochemical, an antioxidant that can improve your health. Citizens of Mediterranean Sea, enjoy the benefits of this kind of oil on skin in many century. That is the effect in curing the allergy inflammation of skin.

The above super foods not only improve but also prevent skin cancer, protect skin from the harmful effect of sunlight. In addition, it also maintains the function as well as the healthy appearance of skin. To maintain the young vitality, and bright light of skin, you should prevent refined carbohydrate and eat a lot of fresh foods. In addition, you should drink water every day.