host Kelly Ripa has courted controversy by admitting that botox has
"changed her life". Speaking on her beauty routine, Kelly says she
has a few key products she uses, but she also has botox and says it has made a
huge difference. She says her eyelids often sag and hold down her eyelashes,
making her eyes appear more closed, so every few months she has just a few
injections to make that skin more firm and her eyes look more open as a result.
She says she however isn't advocating that everyone has it done: "Beauty
products -- Botox. And that's pretty much it. People are very ritualistic about
their beauty routine. I am not. I'm not advocating one way or the other but I'm
just saying Botox has changed my life. It's cut my getting ready time in half.
Because suddenly my eyelids are no longer resting on my eyelashes. I think the
key with anything is knowing what you look like and being a minimalist."

why she has botox, Kelly says it firms up her eyelids and makes it easier for
her makeup artist which wastes less of her time. She also likes that her eyes
are able to open more which she thinks is important for her job on tv:
"Every seven months or so my eyelid skin rests on my eyelashes. So I feel
like it makes my makeup artist's life easier, and it makes my eyes look a
little more open on TV, which is where I happen to work right now."