Zoe Saldana has opened up on her usual beauty routine. She admits that she
likes to keep it "low maintenance" because she is so often in a rush
and doesn't get the chance to spend a long time applying makeup. She lives by
the "less in more" ethos and says she often just applies some red
lipstick, simple makeup and throws her hair in to a ponytail to complete her
look: ''I'm always on the run because I'm such a workaholic, so I'm pretty
low maintenance. A red lipstick and a ponytail and I'm good to go.
I just need my basics: foundation, red lips, mascara and
blush. That gets me through my day, every day. For me, less is more. I
don't really wear foundation all over my skin; I'll
just apply it where needed and pull my hair back in a

reveals that her hair can be difficult to tame but she's found that hair serums
and oils used on the ends can help smoothen out her wild locks: ''It's so
unruly that I rely on hair serum and oil all of the time, just on the
ends. I like it to look like a horse's mane - completely uncombed and
a bit bed-head.''
actress adds that she doesn't understand why all women feel as though they need
to be hairless for men: ''I would like to change the pressure put upon
women to be hairless. Unless you choose to do it yourself, or for hygiene, then
why should we confirm to what men think is attractive? That, to me, is absurd
and a waste of time.''