In Sarasota, Florida, Yellow Strawberry salons
are makeover central. The goal, says owner Richard Weintraub, is to always bring
out the client’s best features. In this case, a natural Level-6, muted
brunette had very faded highlights. The color made her skin tone too monochromatic and
failed to showcase her blue eyes.

The steps to change:
1. Color Balance. ½
scoop Artego Lovely Lights powder bleach with an equal amount of 5-volume developer.
Apply all over at the bowl and process for fi ve minutes. Shampoo, rinse, condition
and dry.
2. Color Prime. ½
oz Artego Gel 7.4 (Level-7 red demi) with 1 oz of 3% (10-volume) developer. Apply
roots-to-ends, process 30 minutes, wipe off with a towel.
3. Color. ¾ oz
Artego 6.6 (light red brown), ¼ oz 6.4 (dark copper blonde) with equal
parts 10-volume developer.
Process 35 minutes, rinse, shampoo, condition.
4. Sealant. ½ oz
Artego Gel 6.6 with 1 oz 1.8% (5-volume) developer. Process 25 minutes at room temperature,
Color in Balance

For centuries, the Golden Ratio and the
Fibonacci Spiral have been considered the most pleasing-to-the-eye designs in nature—just
look at crystals, snowflakes, seashells and the DNA double helix—even Twitter used the
Golden Ratio in its redesign.

But in the hands of Tanya Ramirez, a stylist
at Sweet 9 Salon in Hollywood, the concepts translate into sacred
geometry coloring.
“Through sacred geometry, we can discover the
inherent proportion, balance and harmony in any situation,” says Ramirez. “I used
the Golden Ratio in many ways, from sectioning and color placement to the ratios in my

Next, Ramirez plans to merge Reiki and hair
cutting. To view her Golden Ratio video and learn more, visit