Malabar has a science name as Basella rubra

is effective on cooling.
Malabar has cool temper, both Oriental and Western
medicines have confirmed that this vegetable has effects on laxative and cooling. The research also indicated, it helps waste fat, good for people who have high fat and
sugar in blood. Here are some medicines of malabar in hot season.
Treat constipation and hot intestine
In summer, weather is
hot, so many
people suffer from constipation. A very simple remedy with malabar is taking a handful of malabar leaves, wash, pound, and squeeze for juice, then add a little boiled water to
drink once. After a few drinks, defecation is easier. For better results, after taking 2
hours, you should eat a few more
sweet potatoes. During taking medicine, you have to
abstain hot foods such as wine, chili, pepper, and so on.
Cure swollen hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids is a disease of many people and
also cause discomfort. There have been many therapies
for hemorrhoids including Oriental medicine and Western
medicine, but if you are in light condition, you can use malabar as
follows: Take a handful of malabar
leaves, wash, finely pound with some grains of salt and then pile up
on swollen hemorrhoids, as well as make Malabar soup
with Crucian (both water and the food) is very effective.
Treat hot and burning urination
When urinating, you feel hot and burning,
take Malabar leaves at dawn (4 am) that cleaned from the
day before (marked and still on the tree) and pound finely, squeeze for juice to add
a little boiled water with some
salt and then drink at sunrise. Residue used to cover the lower abdomen (where
bladder is). After a few times, that will be effective.

beautiful skin with malabar
Cool and detoxify
Eat Malabar in the many ways you can think
of as soup cooked with melon and crab. To help your skin be bright and fresh:
boil Malabar and mix it with powder-roasted black sesame. Or use Malabar to
soup with yellow catfish, eat once a week.
Benefits for
Postpartum women eating Malabar soup will have more milk, prevent constipation.
Beautiful skin
Malabar leaves also help nourish skin. It is good for blood circulation and laxative that helps your skin to be smooth and youthful. Or to care for skin and smooth wrinkles on the face, reduce rough by getting some young Malabar
leaves, squeeze for juice, then mix with a few grains of
salt, rub all over face several times before going to bed.
Pound fresh malabar and then absorb the juice
in cotton and insert into the
nostrils to cure nosebleeds. Use Malabar juice rubbing on the skin would to heal burns. Mixe malabar with alum, then pound, cover up into injury to stop bleeding and heal it.
Malabar has cool temper, so it should be used
carefully for those who have cold
or stomach. To reduce cool temper, cook well or combine with other animal foods.