Today children are exposed more than in the previous decade.
With the availability of the Internet in many households, children can easily
access all kind of information. This can be dangerous to a developing child,
especially when it relates to sex. Children themselves are too young to
understand the problems of sex and gender development in their bodies. If they
are neglected, kids learning about sex through improper channels can grow up
terribly misinformed. The responsibility of the parents is to guide children by
an appropriate manner about sex.

Today children are
exposed more than in the previous decade.
What you will need
Educational diagrams of the sexual act, sexual organs and
1. Wait for the
curiosity of your children. Ask what they already know and correct them. In
short, explain how sex works. For example, you can say that the penis goes in
the vagina during sex, using diagrams for clarity. Be honest with your answer;
otherwise, they will find for the right answer somewhere else.

for the curiosity of your children.
2. Don’t laugh or feel
ashamed of these kinds of questions because this can give the impression that
talking about sex is wrong. The same as using funny nicknames to the act of sex
and body parts. Despite your uncomfortable feeling, make them think you are the
best source for this topic.
3. Explain how the
puberty works if they ask about their body changes. Diagram will work here.
Explain that such changes are normal, and they should not be ashamed. Share
your experience about puberty can help them a lot.
4. Talk about
responsibilities and consequences which relate to sexual activities. Explain
how to take care of babies and mention the diseases brought about by
promiscuity will help teens decide if they are ready for sex. On the other
hand, explain the excitement of sex in a relationship to have a balanced view.

about responsibilities and consequences which related to sexual activities.
5. Use everyday
moments as a springboard to further enhance your child's sexual education. A
tampon advertisement may lead to a discussion of menstruation.A pregnant person
in the family may lead to a discussion on the development of fetuses and
pregnant mothers.Cannot discuss everything at once, so you should take the
opportunity when it comes.