Eating these kinds of fruit too much
can increase risk of miscarriage.
We know that most of kinds of fruit are
good for health, but pregnant women need to have carful choice. In the first 3
months of pregnancy, pregnant women that have morning sickness often eat fruits
to reduce symptoms of morning sickness. Some people consider eating fruits as a
way to provide important nutrients. However, mothers should know that some
fruits among foods that you provide for your body every day can cause high risk of miscarriage.
Pregnant women shouldn’t eat the following
fruits to avoid risk for fetus:
According to research of scientists, in the
first 3 months of pregnancy, pregnant women shouldn’t eat and drink fresh
pineapple or pineapple juice because this kind of fruit can cause spasm for
uterus and as a result, it will lead to miscarriage, diarrhea or allergy for
pregnant women. The reason is that fresh pineapple contains Bromelain that can
make uterus become soft and it will create substance that can destroy fetus.

the first 3 months of pregnancy, pregnant women shouldn’t eat and drink fresh
pineapple or pineapple juice.
However, if it’s past anticipating date of
giving birth, pineapple can be useful for you. But, it doesn’t mean that using
pineapple to stimulate giving birth because each of the fresh pineapple only
contains a small amount of Bromelain. If you eat 7 pineapples per day, you can
recognize spasm of uterus.
According to oriental medicine, longan has
sweet taste. It is very useful, helps you tranquillize. Many people like
longan; however, pregnant women shouldn’t eat this kind of fruit a lot. The
reason is that pregnant women often have inside hot phenomenon, fetal
derangement, bleed and have bellyache, have pain in low belly. It can even
cause harm for fetus and lead to miscarriage.

pregnancy, pregnant women shouldn’t eat this kind of fruit a lot.
Camellia has sweet, acrid, sour taste, so
it is very suitable with pregnant women that have morning sickness. However,
this kind of fruit isn’t really good for pregnant women. According to result of
many documents, camellia has effect in making uterus excited, it can improve
uterus to pulsate. As a result, it can lead to miscarriage and premature birth.

isn’t really good for pregnant women.
Green papaw
Many researches show that green papaw or
papaw that isn’t ripen completely contains a lot of enzymes and pus. They can
make uterus have spasm, and as a result, it will cause miscarriage. Moreover,
green papaw contains prostaglandin and oxytocin that are necessary for the body
to start for time when babies are born. So if you eat green papaw, you can have
miscarriage when it isn’t time for giving birth.
However, ripen papaw is good for pregnant
women. Therefore, mothers shouldn’t consider ripen papaw as green papaw and
abstain both of them.

papaw can make pregnant women have miscarriage.
Notes for pregnant women to eat fruits
Pregnant women shouldn’t eat a lot kind of
fruits that are listed above. In addition, pregnant women need to pay attention
to eating fruit to ensure for safeness and provide nutrients for body:

fruits to replace main meals is an antiscientific eating and drinking habit.
Do not
use fruit to replace for main meals
Many pregnant women use fruits to replace
main meals. This is eating and drinking habit that is antiscientific. Source of
nutrients in fruits are very high, but it cannot replace for meat, fish and rice.
If pregnant women only eat fruits, they won’t provide enough nutrients for body
because in pregnancy, pregnant women’s body will need a lot of nutrients to
bring up fetus. In addition, content of vitamin in fruit isn’t as plentiful as
in green vegetables.
pregnant women have morning sickness, they shouldn’t eat a lot of fruits.
In the first time of pregnancy, many women
often have morning sickness and they don’t want to eat any food, so they often
eat a lot of fruits to replace. However, fruits contain high content of sugar that
can cause transformation of glucose unusually in pregnancy and it can cause
pregnancy diabetes.
women shouldn’t eat aromatic banana when they feel hungry.
Banana contains a lot of magnesium. If
pregnant women eat this kind of fruit when they feel hungry, it will destroy
balance of magnesium and calcium in blood and as a result, it will have bad
effect on heart.