If pregnant women eat grapes, their babies’
eyes will be brighter.
Grape is a popular fruit in autumn, and it
is very useful for pregnant women.
Nutrients in grape
Grape contains about 65-85% of water,
10-33% sugar (glucose and fructose), phlobaphene, galic acid ,silicic acid ,
quercetine , anin, glucosides, mono delphinidin and delphinidin, fruit acid,
phosphoric acid, salicilic, lemon acid, formic acid , oxalic acid , pectin,
tannin compound, kali salt, magnesium, calcium, mangan, Fe and vitamins B1, B2,
B6, B12, A, C, P, PP, K, folic acids and enzymes.
Grape’s skin contains tannin compound and
necessary oil.
Grape’s seeds also contain tannin compound,
phlobaphene, lecithin, vanilla and fat oil.

contain a lot of nutrients.
Good for children
If pregnant women eat a lot of grapes, their
babies’ eyes will be brighter because grapes contain a lot of vitamin A and
flavonol compound that are useful for developing eyesight.

women eat grapes to help children’s eyes brighter.
If pregnant women often eat grapes,
children will receive more nutrients because grapes having lot of vitamin B
that can control the rate of metabolism to pregnant women.
Eating grapes will help children avoid
handicapped nerve pipe because grapes contain folate that is an important
substance to prevent defect of nerve pipe.
Children can develop nerve system better
because grape juice contains Kali and sodium.
Eating grapes will help pregnant women
improve fetus’s genes because phosphorus is a part of nucleic acid.
Useful for pregnant women
Eating grapes is good for not only mother
but also child because it brings some advantages:
Magnesium in grapes helps pregnant women reduce
Grapes contain content of fiber that helps
pregnant women digest easily.
Grapes contain vitamin E and K that help blood
congeal and it is useful for labour. Consequently, eating a glass of grape
juice will make pregnant women reduce stress and useful for mothers before they
begin to labour.
Antioxidants such as anthocyanins, flavon,
geraniol, linalol, nerol and tannin will help increase immunity and prevent infection
for pregnant women.
Resveratrol in grapes helps control cholesterol
in pregnancy. So, if pregnant women get hypertension, they should drink a glass
of fruit juice every day.
Eating grapes regularly will help pregnant women
who have arthritis asthma control disease because grapes contain
anti-inflammatory factor.
Grapes act as a good detergent; it helps prevent
kidney stone, detoxify liver, and improve digestive system’s health. Grapes
also cure constipation.
Resveratrol is an important factor of grapes
that helps prevent nerve disease of pregnant women.
Grape leaves can be used to cure bleeding of
Notes when pregnant women eat grapes
You should choose grapes that have the safe
origin, avoid grapes that are sprayed with chemicals or embalmed chemicals.
Grapes’ skin can make pregnant women have
difficulty in digesting, so it will cause constipation. Hence, you must
eliminate skin when eating.
If you eat grapes together with milk,
cucumber, fish, beer, mineral water or meals with a lot of fat, you will feel
unpleasant with stomach. Some pregnant women are allergic when they eat grapes
such as: bellyache, coughing, vomiting, dry throat, sore throat, headache….
Pregnant women who are fat, have stomach
ulcer, diabetes, enteritis, diarrhea shouldn’t use grape and grape juice.
Pregnant women who have tooth decay shouldn’t eat grapes; if eating, they
should brush their teeth clearly or brush after eating grapes.

women who are fat, have stomach ulcer, diabetes, enteritis, diarrhea shouldn’t
use grape and grape juice.