Yelling and bad habits may help mothers to overpower their
kids but in the long term, these factors will affect negatively to children.
Suzanne Potts is a mother who often screams. She said “When
I asked my sons something 15 times but they didn’t do it, I would yell at them.
After that, they show that they knew their mistakes and followed what I wanted,
but I still felt uncomfortable. Honestly, I felt guilty when I screamed at them
and I used to wish that I was not that type of parents.”

Yelling at
children is just the temporary solution.
By yelling, you can force children to do what you like
because they are afraid of the punishment you may give them, but it’s just the
temporary solution. There are many people among us telling themselves that this
is the last time will use this method of discipline, but then we will repeat it
because it is very effective with stubborn children. However, these techniques
are often the surface. Nowadays, parents need sophisticated approaches to help
children recognize moral standards and control their emotion, so they can make
decision themselves to maintain good behaviors and eliminate bad ones in
different cases without parental intervention.
There are tips for parents who haven’t found a perfect
strategy below from experts: Jennifer Kolari, the author of Connected
ParentingL how to raise great kids; Kathy Lynn, the speaker for parental
conferences; Karyn Gordon, the author of Dr.Karyn’s Guider to the teen years.
If you often scream
“Screaming is the tool to attract
the attention of children, but it will not help you in
parenting” – Lynn said. If your child realizes that you often
communicate through screaming, they will imitate and shout in daily
communication. Furthermore, according to Kolari, “If you abuse the screaming
too much, you will no longer scare your children and make them listen to you
again. On the other hand, they make you become a joke”.

If you often scream
Instead of screaming your children from a distance, you can
call them, attract their attention and talk with them face to face. When deterring
something, try to keep the volume at a moderate level and give your condition,
for example “I think you should play indoor silently, if not, you may play
outdoor”. If then your child break the rule, emphasize to them that they have
been allowed to choose their option, so you should keep the promise that they
select. This approach is more effective rather than you have to scream “Shut
up” every 15 minutes.
If you often threaten nonsense
You deter, require or warn strictly your children not to
jump on the sofa while they are lying to watch TV. If they don’t listen, you
will give them penalties “Well, you will not be allowed to watch TV in one
month” and you believe that the threat will work well because you know that
your children will be better in order to let you reduce the penalty time. Over
time, children will be too familiar with these kinds of punishment. As Gordon,
“If the punishment and threat is not done seriously, kids will lose their
belief on their parents easily. It’s really dangerous because belief is the
base of all relationships”.
Instead of threatening and offering virtual punishment for
children, let them know your thoughts. Emphasize to them that they made
mistakes and tell them that you will not punish them right now because you are
so angry, for instance “I will think about it, meanwhile, think about your last
act and then, we will talk with each other”. After that, you will have plenty
of time to think about the reasonable solution for your children’s mistakes.
If you often isolate your children
parents have a carpet, a chair or a corner in the house called “isolated place
for bad children”, where you force them to sit, criticize themselves and find a
solution not to make the mistake again. However, in children’s mind, this
method is like “You are imprisoned due to what you made”. Moreover, the isolated
method makes the relationship between you and your children become separated,
especially when your children feel that you are punishing them more than asking
them to find a certain lesson.

If you often isolate your children
Use another
descriptive word such as “review place” instead of negative words before. You
don’t need to teach them much. You just need to tell them “Whenever you make
mistakes, come to this corner and think about what you have to do”, which makes
them feel that they are not forced to do it. Also, you don’t need to force them
to review in another room because you can let them sit next to them if you can.
If you prefer canning
You have a
habit of spanking on the buttocks of your children with the thought that they
will be afraid and not dare to repeat the mistake. This method makes your kids
listen to your words immediately but it is opposed by expert, because canning
brings a conflicting message, for example “You are not allowed to hit your
younger brother. If not, I will hit you”. However, it is still the common
method of parents due to they don’t know which approach is better.
Instead of
physical impact on children, focus on the fundamental rules. First, explain the
mistake of your children for them, after that explain logically about the
consequence of that mistake and the solution to fix it. Show them the
importance of mistake correction, for instance “If you don’t correct it, you are
not allowed to hang out today”. You can take part in a course on child
psychologist to consider serious parenting strategy, search information through
child experts and Google. In addition, there are websites which may give your
If you use the “cold war” method
continuously asked your children to stop fighting on the back seat but they
didn’t listen to you. You shouted loudly “I can’t stand you”, and then you
totally kept silent and didn’t tell them anything. Stopping talking with
children may make them feel unsafe and uncomfortable. They want you to talk
with them again, so they will be more obedient. This method seems to be
effective and tender, but you shouldn’t make use of it as a habit. If you want
to rest for a while and avoid screaming, the silent is right. However, if you
are really angry and you want to keep silent to take revenge, you need to use
another parenting approach.
need to keep silent for a while and talk with your children again. Tell them
directly that you need to be peaceful to calm your mind. If in silent time, you
realize that you need to tell them something important, for instance tell them
to buckle up, try using “book trick”. Hide a book in your bag, open the book
and read “I will not drive if you do not wear the seatbelts. I have a book to
read when the car is stopped, so when you are ready to buckle up, we both
continue driving” – Lynn said.
If you are helpless with parenting
you are stuck in trouble, for example your children are competing toys of each
other. It will be an excellent time to teach them because they have to find
their solution themselves. However, according to Kolari,
“many parents feel helpless with conflicts of children. You yell at them but it
doesn’t work, so you sit there and pretend that you don’t see anything. It is
really dangerous because your children don’t know what they should do and who
will guide them.
day you should use the scale from 1 to 10 to measure your patience with
children (1 is the level you are extremely patient with them and 10 is the
level you lose control). Control the scale at a stable level and spend more
time talking to them to get closer with them.
sum, you need to remember that there are no perfect parents and there is no
parenting method which is suitable for all cases. You are allowed to make
mistakes in parenting and don’t forget that making your children be stuck is
also a good approach for matured children.