Some people decided to breastfeed their babies, and it is
worrisome if babies don’t get enough milk from their mothers. Signs to know
your babies get enough milk are six to eight wet diapers, the sound of swallow,
and the increase of their weight. If mothers are suspicious about not having
enough milk, there are some optional foods they can choose to increase the
amount of milk.

It is worrisome if
babies don’t get enough milk from their mothers.
Foods which increase milk production
Breastfeeding mothers should drink enough water for their
own. Breast milk is mainly from water, so it’s difficult to produce enough milk
if the mothers are dehydrated. A mother who drinks enough water and eats
nutritional food can care her child better, especially when breastfeeding.
However, breastfeeding mothers shouldn’t drink too much
water, which can reduce milk production. An important rule is drinking enough
water to change the urine to light yellow. Deep yellow urine indicates the
shortage of water, and white urine shows that you drank too much water. You
should drink more water when your lips are dry.
Oatmeal is a popular choice to increase milk production. Its
high iron content corrects for anemia in the mother, may lead to shortage of
milk. It also increases calories which mothers lose to produce milk. Many
cultures around the world recommend using beer but there is a lack of
scientific data. Non-alcohol beer is reported to be good, so this is a good
choice for those worrying about alcohol and their children.
Carrot is beta-carotene rich, which is necessary for milk
production. It’s the same with turnip and sugar. They are also high in iron
which helps alleviate anemia and boost milk production. Besides being high
nutrition, leafy green supports milk production by being high in the
phytoestrogens that supports lactation.
Food and drugs to avoid
To support milk production generally, mothers who are
nursing should avoid the following food and drugs:
Sage is famous for decreasing milk production, even with a small
amount. Mothers who are nursing normally would not worry about small amounts in
foods, but mothers who lack milk should avoid it completely.
Nicotine can give bad effects to milk production.
Estrogen acts as a milk supply depressant, so birth control pills
containing the hormone should also be avoided.
Decongestant “can dry anything”, even breast milk.
Caffeine can affect badly milk production. Avoid coffee, tea,
chocolate and other caffeine product.

Nicotine can give
bad effects to milk production.
Calming options
Low milk supply of a mother can cause worry and serious for
her baby. The other ways parents could do in serious cases are using a breast
pump to stimulate milk production and reducing stress. Stress can prevent milk
production and the let-down reflex during nursing. The "let-down"
during a nursing session is when the breast milk moves from the milk glands,
where milk is produced, into the milk ducts, where it flows out and into the
baby's mouth. Stressed mothers should breastfeed in a silent room with music
and dim light while nursing.

Stress can prevent
milk production and the let-down reflex during nursing.