Bringhe (Aka Valenciana)
Serves 8 to 12
2 tablespoons minced garlic
1 cup chopped red onion
1/2 kilo boneless chicken breast, cut into 1/4-inch strips
2 pieces chorizo Bilbao, sliced thinly
1/4 cup patis, or more ifnecessary
2 teaspoons turmeric powder
4 cups glutinous rice, pre- soaked in water for 1 hour
4 cups chicken stock
2 cups kakang gata (coconut milk) banana leaves
1 teaspoon cooking oil
1/4 cup raisins
1 medium red bell pepper, cut into 1/4-inch thin strips
hard-boiled quail eggs
1. In a nonstick
frying pan, sauté garlic and onion. Add chicken and chorizo. Season with
patisand turmeric powder. Set aside 1/4 of mixture for topping. Add glutinous
rice to pan and continue sautéing.
2. Pour in chicken
stock and coconut milk. Allow to simmer over low heat, stirring continuously
until rice is almost cooked (still al dente and wet). Add some more stock if
3. In a separate
cooking pan, line the bottom with banana leaves. Transfer the bringheto the pan
and cover. Cook further over low heat. When the leaves start to burn a bit, the
bringhe should be ready.
4. To make
bringheinto pizzalike servings, measure 1 cup cooked bringhe. Brush cooking oil
in a small nonstick pan (15 centimeters in diameter used for frying egg). Place
bringhein pan and flatten with the back of a spoon. Spread on top some cooked
chicken, chorizo, raisins, bell pepper and hardboiled quail eggs cut in half.
Fry over very low heat until a crisp golden brown bottom (tutong) is formed.
Check doneness periodically by lifting an edge of the flattened bringhe with a
silicon spatula.

Bringhe (Aka