This season will be even more exclusive and
international. Every season, we introduce retailers to the very latest and best
collection and designers. The brand portfolio is carefully curated, and new
brands are integrated every season, with an increase of 23% for the
spring/summer season 2013.
Consumers are becoming increasingly
discerning when it comes to product and brand selection. Comparative shopping,
online research and offers from vertical manufacturers all force retailers to
be quicker and better informed these days. They are constantly under pressure
to adapt their ranges to new tastes. It is the ideal source of inspiration and
information for top international retailers, media representatives and stylists
etc. We introduce trade audiences to innovative trends from around the world.

by Sabrina Dehoff
This season I am particularly looking
forward to the new jewellery hall. In previous seasons, individual high-quality
jewellery collections were on show in the accessories hall. However, demand
from jewellery makers has increased to such an extent that we have decided to
devote an entire hall to jewellery. That’s the story of how our new “JEWELS”
hall came into being, its little treasure chest, where all sorts of trends and
styles are represented.
In Hall 2 our finger really is on the pulse
of the zeitgeist. An outfit is only complete when it is matched with the right
accessories. There are hardly any stores that do not offer a large selection of
accessories and jewellery, and hardly any designers that do not offer this as
part of their collection. It is the only fair with such a wide range of
exclusive jewellery labels together with fashion. As far as the consumer is
concerned, Berlin is currently evolving into an insider’s secret for jewellery.
There is room for creativity here and up-and-coming designers have good
opportunities to make name for themselves.
Beside the new accessories segment, what will be the
highlights at this season?
A further highlight is the new area in Hall
7 – 7thHEAVEN – where we will be showing the showing the world’s best
international avant-garde collections. Designers from all over will be featured
here, from Korea to Romania, examples include: Resurrection, Demoo
Parkchoonmoo, Twenty(2) two, Pazaikin, Adeline Ivan, Carmen Secareanu, but also
Hannes Roether, Unconditional, David Andersen, The Black Line by Barbara I
Gongini and many more.

by Vanessa Baroni
SEEK, the Contemporary Fashion Trade Show,
next door in the Kühlhaus, has grown too, both in terms of quantity and above
all quality. Another floor will house presentations with a brand line-up which
is not to be missed, including Billionaire Boys Club Bee Line by Mark McNairy,
Carin Wester, Ebbets Field Flannels, Our Legacy and V Ave Shoe Repair, to name
but a few.