With the Stars' professional Karina Smirnoff has opened up on her simple
homemade remedy to banish acne and spots. She says that when she is suffering
from a breakout, she mixes a few simple ingredients together and applies to the
spotty area to help clear it up. She revealed her skin secret: "I mix
lemon juice with baking soda to make a paste and apply it to the blemish. I
leave it on for at least 30 minutes and then wash it off."

works out regularly to keep her figure flawless when competing on the show, so
she does her best to avoid wearing makeup when she's working out because it
clogs up her pores. She adds that she also tries to keep her hair away from her
face because she believes it makes breakouts worse: "Ideally, I try not to
work out with full make up on since a lot of breakouts happen because your
pores are open and the makeup and sweat clogs them. To avoid break outs I
use a protective lotion as my base, try to keep my hair off my face when I
sweat and use either an exfoliant or Clarisonic immediately after I work
she does wear makeup, it's often for her role on DWTS and she turns to
cosmetics brand Stila because she thinks they have the best products: "They
have a huge variety of makeup that looks great on camera and for everyday wear.
It seems to mesh well with my skin because since starting to use it on the
show, I haven't broken out as much."