
Organic Juices for a Healthy Pregnancy : Carrots in the Veggie Patch, Apple Blackberry, A Pear of Kiwifruit

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1. Carrots in the Veggie Patch

Good for your baby’s bones and development

The spinach, turnip greens, and celery found in this recipe make this juice a great calcium source to help out with the development of your growing baby. In fact, turnips are rich in calcium and iron, and have two times the vitamin C of orange juice. These nutrients will support the growth of your baby’s bones, protect your baby’s cells from damage, and protect his immune system.


2 carrots, peeled

1 cup spinach

1 turnip, including turnip greens

1 stalk celery

2 sprigs parsley

Juice carrots, spinach, turnip, and celery. Stir and garnish with parsley sprigs.

  Calories Fat Protein Sodium Fiber Carbohydrates
PER 1 CUP SERVING 160 0.3g 5.2g 266mg 11g 40g


Carrots have been beloved for more than 2,000 years for their good health properties and high vitamin A content. They appear in many juice recipes because they are so healthy. They juice very well, and complement the flavors of other fruits and vegetables quite nicely.

2. Apple Blackberry

Good for your baby’s bones and development

Blackberries contain folate, which helps prevent several birth defects and decreases the rate of miscarriage. However, pesticides and fertilizers used on blackberries can increase the risk of birth defects, so be sure to purchase organic and wash your fruit before juicing.


2 Gala red apples, cored

2 pints blackberries

1 lemon, peeled

Juice apples, blackberries, and lemon. Stir.

  Calories Fat Protein Sodium Fiber Carbohydrates
PER 34 CUP SERVING 353 3.4g 8.6g 8.6mg 36g 87g

3. A Pear of Kiwifruit

Good for fighting infections during pregnancy

One small kiwifruit contains as much vitamin C as a whole orange, which makes it a tasty way to fight infections during pregnancy. Kiwifruits are also full of the flavonoids, beta-carotene, and potassium that keep you and your baby healthy.


2 pears

2 kiwi fruit, peeled

12 lemon, peeled

Juice pears, kiwifruit, and lemon. Stir.

  Calories Fat Protein Sodium Fiber Carbohydrates
PER 34 CUP SERVING 222 2.5g 3.3g 6mg 15g 57g

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