One hour of watching TV will take 22 minutes
from your life; doing exercise too much or too little can also make you old
quickly or drinking water with straw will create more wrinkles on your face. As
a result, you will become old quickly.
Aging is necessary part of life; however,
the different elements can make that process become fast or slow. We know that
there are many reasons that lead to early aging. We think that some daily
reasons that seem to not be harmful can cause aging quickly. You can look and
1. Watching TV

not only makes your waist bad but also reduces your longevity and increases the
risk of developing of Alzheimer.
According to a research of Queensland
University (Australia), one hour of watching TV will reduce your life about 22
minutes. Television not only makes your waist bad but also reduces your
longevity and increases the risk of developing of Alzheimer.
2. Drinking with straw
We often think that drinks will affect health;
however, the drinking manner is also the reason that leads to aging. In
reality, drinking with straw is explained that it can increase aging because it
forms the wrinkles around mouth and this thing is similar to people that smoke
cigarette. Experts advise you to drink directly, not using straw.

advise you to drink directly, not using straw.
3. Doing exercise too much or too little
Doing exercise will bring a lot of
benefits. Due to it, you can feel that you are young, full of vitality, alert
and you are protected from Alzheimer. Moreover, the flow of blood to skin is
more, so it can make skin bright and full of vitality. When you don’t do
exercise or do exercise by halves, it will reduce your life and increase the
risk of heart disease and obesity. However, doing exercise too much will make
joints become hard. As a result, it will increase the risk of arthritis and it
also leads to aging faster.
4. Regulator
Many people spend a lot of money and
efforts for the products of taking care of skin. However, they don’t know that
the aging speed of skin increases because of regulator. Warm regulator and the
normal system of regulator can make skin dry. Therefore, it can lead to the
early aging and wrinkles. To make skin young and soft, you need to keep the temperature
low and wear warm clothes and put a glass of cold water on your desk to
increase moisture and apply the moist cream to reduce dry skin.
5. Sugar
Eating too much sugar will increase fat in
belly. In addition, sugar together with sunlight is 3 main reasons that lead to
wrinkles. Once the concentration of sugar in blood is high, it will make
collagens under skin break. As a result, it will make skin have wrinkles.
6. Wearing headphone
Hearing badly is one of the signs; however,
many people can reduce their hearing because of using headphone. A research
showed that using headphone in one hour can affect listeners’ hearing while
another research showed that listening with the highest volume can make hearing
have the risk of being harmed eternally. Therefore, using headphone less and
listening with a suitable volume can help you protect yourselves.

headphone less and listening with a suitable volume can help you protect
7. Working
Work is necessary for all of us. However,
if we spend too much time and strength for it, we can become old faster.
Researches showed that stress in work can increase the risk of heart disease
and the aging speed of cells. Using too much times for work means that time for
doing exercise, eating, drinking and sleeping will become less. To reduce
aging, you should avoid working in many hours, you should stand up and move.
You should spend evening and weekends relaxing.
8. Soap
Our life is surrounded by kinds of soap,
shower cream and perfume. We think that they are necessary for skin; however,
in reality, this thing isn’t completely correct. Skin needs a cover of acid to
make natural barrier to protect. When we wash with soap that have alkali
feature, it can make the protecting layer lose and it can create wrinkles.
Experts advise you to find the kinds of soap that has the neuter pH.
9. Cotton pillow
If you lie on your side to sleep, your face
will be pressed and the cotton pillow can cause the wrinkles on skin. To avoid
aging early, you should change to lying on your back and using silk pillow or
satin pillow to reduce wrinkles and maintain the moisture for skin.
10. Diet
with less fat

is one of the foods that contain a lot of omega-3 fats.
Many people abstain fat to lose weight;
however, they don’t know that lacking fat such as omega 3 can affect your aging
speed. Fish oil, walnut, almond that contain a lot of omega-3 are always
necessary for us and they also help us become young in a long time. They not
only keep our skin bright, have wrinkles less, intensify health for brain,
heart but also increase your longevity