Dry, callous sole skin is a common issue, especially when
you’re living in dry cold weather, walking on bare feet or tend to have dry
skin. Heels can be chapped, hurt or ugly. Unfortunately, you don’t need to
spend money on any professional feet or nail care service. Soaking feet and
filing nails brings wonderful effects and cost very little money.

Dry, callous sole
skin is an common issue, especially when you’re living in dry cold weather,
walking on bare feet or tend to have dry skin.
Things you’ll need
Moisturizing soap
Epsom salts
Foot file
Skin care products
Wool stocks

Clean your feet
with moisturizing soaps or glycerin soaps.
Clean your feet with a gentle moisturizing soap. Glycerin soaps work
well on this.
Pour in a pot or tub an amount of hot water, enough to soak your feet
in. The water should be bearably hot and diluted with a little Epsom salts. Mix
the salt with your hands until it’s diluted.
Soak your feet until the water gets cool. Wrap your feet with a soft,
clean towel to dry it.
Wait for another 5-10 minutes to have your feet completely dry.
Get rid of the dead skin in heels, toes with a foot file. Stop
frequently to check. If you feel hurt or irritated, stop filing.
Rub your feet with a thick moisturizer and wear a heavy cotton socks or
wool socks. Wear the socks all night to help the moisturizer be soaked into the
Tips and warnings

Take care of your
feet with vitamin E oil.
Once the dead skin is gone, moisturize your feet daily.
Buy good vitamin E oil, don’t buy cream.
Practice the steps mentioned. Skipping 1 step will make the
method lose its effects.