Think about your pregnancy as the first 9
months in the rest of life - and also the life of your child. Here’s how to
create good eating habits, doing exercise and other habits, which will help you
gaining weight at this time. It is good for you and your family.
Good habit 1: start moving
If you do exercise during pregnancy period,
you can reduce 7 pounds compared with pregnant who do not do exercise and still
in the weight benefit range, according to research. You also have less posibility
to suffer complications during pregnancy or when giving birth, and you can be
thinner when you are in middle age. Here are five activities that you can start
right now and continue to do all life:
Why is it great at this time: Walking strengthens the heart and lungs, improve circulation and
can be done in 10 minute if you are easy to get tired. It is also very easy to
do. Turn it into a good “basic” activity with little influence will reduce stress
on the joints, so you will have less risk of injury.
Remember: Avoid uneven or slippery surfaces - you are easy to fall out because
of your bigger abdomen and focus change. Besides, your body is creating more
relaxin, a hormone making in the pelvic ligaments soften. “This means that all
ligaments of the joints become looser, which makes you easy to have sprain or
dislocation of hands, knees and ankles”, said Anita Sadaty, doctors at North
Shore University Hospital in Manhasset, N.Y. Sport shoes provide better support
than running shoes, however, be aware that you may need increase a hafl size of
your shoe in the third quarter.
After your baby is born: Put your baby in the belly bag (and in the back later) and in tune
with the elbows bent, and hit them to the back as quickly as possible. Look for
the safe path to go during pregnancy.

(or other water exercises)
Why is it great at that time: Water provides resistance, strengthens cardiovascular, lungs and
muscles, brings less posibility to cause injury; allowing you to do harder
exercises without being too hot, whether you’re swimming ,walking or dancing.
Even in the 9th month, you can still look and feel graceful in the
Remember: poor technique can cause neck, shoulder or back pain. Stop doing
exercises if you feel pain.
After your child was born: Check the swimming programs for mothers and infants at YMCA, the
local gym or a swimming center.

(or other water exercises)
Why is it great at this time: Pilates strengthen abdominal muscles and other important muscles,
which can prevent and relieve lower back pain and help you push on labor.
Remember: avoid lying back on the second and third quarters; talk to coach
about using a wedge, pillow or hug pillow to keep the head higher than the
stomach, so you do not become dizzy.
After your
child was born: Ask coach to see if it's okay to let your
child follow from the outside, or open a Pilates DVD while your baby is
sleeping. A disc that we like: Jennifer Gianni’s Fusion Pilates Birth Balls for Post Pregnancy, at
Why is it
great at this time: Yoga
improves the balance, which is affected by changes in weight during pregnancy;
reduce stress by breathing and conditioning techniques, helping reduce pain
during pregnancy. It can also open the hip joint, which can be good to you
during the birth process, according to the personal trainer in Chicago, Michael
Sena, author of Lean Mom, Fit Family (Rodale), said . Yoga is safety throughout
the 3 quarters.
Remember: Avoid the reverse and excessive position,
especially the position that your legs outstretched (like Tailor or Pigeon
position). Although relaxin will allow you to stretch your legs wider than
normal, this may lead to the muscle torn. You should also avoid lying on your
back back after the first quarter.
After your
baby is born: Try yoga to have sweat and strong durability
for the muscles. Join a yoga class for mothers, or put your child near the
mattress while you do yoga with DVD at home. A favorite
yoga disc of us: Element: Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga, at

Why is it
great at this time:
Weightlifting helps us against risk of injury during pregnancy by strengthening
the muscles around the joints, according to Sena. It will also prepare you the
heavy lifting of motherhood.
Remember: breathe in and breathe out regularly; breathing out too
hard can create pressure for the pelvic. Avoid overloading your loose joints
due to your overworking (too many times) by using lighter weights (3 or 5
After your
child is born: Training
by using heavier weights you can lift about 8 to 12 times. Playing a DVD at
home and doing exercise while your child is sleeping or watching it. A disc
that we like: 3-2-1 Baby Bulge Be Gone, Phase 1; at
excess weight easily (no need of babysitter)
Place your baby in front of you and get into Plank position, it is the
beginning of press-ups: Put your hands on the floor so that the distance
between 2 hands is equal with 2 shoulders, stretch your arms. Straight your
legs to your back side, weight placed on the toes. Keep your back straight, put
your face toward your baby; try to hold the position for 30 seconds to 2
minutes. Lower your knees softly, kiss your baby, and return again. Repeat 5
together: Place your baby in a small belly bag, stand
with widen feet, point toes forward; hold the back of couch or chair with one
hand for balance if necessary. Lower your hips as if you're about to sit down,
keep the weight on heel, then push body back. Do this 2 or 3 batches, each
batch includes 12 to 15 times.
Hard walking
in downtown: Instead of going to the store immediately,
first, let make one or two quick races with your child in a stroller. Training
abdominal muscle by the shrinking the main muscles, pull the umbilical cord