Parents now attach much importance for naming their babies.
They find out by books, websites, etc. for a unique name, but also normal, easy
to pronounce and meaningful without being old-fashioned at all time. It’s
extremely important since that’s the name of your child for a whole life. The
idea of combining the parents’ names to make a new name fits in with today's
trends of unique and meaningful names. You can use first, middle and/or last
names as a whole or break them up and combine them.
What you need
Parents’ name
Naming rule

Choose a name
- Write down some naming guide lines to instruct you. Do you
want a unique name, or a usual one? Is it easy spelled or standing out? Do
you prefer a girlie name or a unisex name for your girl? This list helps
you choose a perfect name which you will not regret at least 10 years

list of instruction helps you choose a perfect name which you will not regret
at least 10 years later.
- Combine one of mother’s names with one of father’s names.
If the first name of father is Ray and middle name of mother is Lynn, try
Raylynn for your girl. Similarly, Brian and Ann can be Brianne or Briana.
- Use mother’s middle name as last name. It may fit either a
boy or a girl, but try using it for a while to make sure you want your
girl have a middle name like Smith or Jones.
- Use mother’s middle name as a first or middle name. If the
full name is not appropriate, try reducing it. It may work with the names
suffixed with “son”. Anderson can be Ander, Jefferson can be Jeff, and
Jameson can be James or Jamies.
- Modify a name to make it work for a boy and vice versa. If
father is Stephen, Stephanie is a perfect name for a girl. If mother is
Kylie, Kyle is good for a boy. Adding “ey”, “ie” or “a” can make some name
more girlie.

a name to make it work for a boy.