There are some kinds of food which seem to be cool and
nutritious, but they have totally opposite effects, especially fruits that only
appear during the summer.
In summer, air becomes hotter and hotter, so housewives
often tend to choose healthy food to enhance health. However, in fact, there
are some types of food which seems to be cool and nutritious but they have
completely opposite effects, especially fruits that only come up during the
summer. Therefore, you shouldn’t eat them too much.
Fruits only appearing in summer
There is rich iron content, in addition to
protein, sugar, zinc, pectin ... which is suitable for people with anemia.
Pectin in peach is good for bowel, so eating it may prevent from constipation.
However, peach can cause diarrhea and some acute intestinal diseases if you eat
too much.
Plum contains more carotene converted into
vitamin A which is good for eyes when it is absorbed. In addition, plum seeds
also contain essential nutrients for the body such as protein, fat, phosphorus,
iron, potassium...which may have cooling and detoxifying effects.
However, you shouldn’t misuse this kind of fruit because
plum is hot food. Over-eating it will make the body hot inside and break out in
the rash and pimple, especially with those who are hot.
Litchi includes minerals such as magnesium, potassium and
some vitamins, especially plentiful vitamin C. Therefore, eating litchi will be
good for immune system. Moreover, litchi also has beauty effect, making skin
become white and smooth.

Eating too much
litchi will cause lightheadedness, nausea and cold sweats.
However, for those who are susceptible, having sputum and
chickenpox, litchi is poison which shouldn’t be eaten. Because it will make the
disease become worse and may cause complications. Even with average people,
eating too much litchi will cause lightheadedness, nausea and cold sweats.
Many people who eat too much these fruits have symptoms such
as being hot, having pimples and headache, etc.
Avoid using food poisoned easily
It is one of vegetables sprayed pesticides the most. Since
it blooms flower, growers begin spraying and they will spray per several days.
Therefore, the amount of pesticides will not have time to separate and may seep
into the very thin peel of fruits. When consumers buy it, though they soak and
rinse thoroughly, they can only partially limit toxins, not eliminate all.

Cowpea is one of
vegetables sprayed pesticides the most.
If you don’t rinse it clearly and sharpen the peel, it is
easy to be poisoned.
Sprout is a vegetable which is cool,
nutritious, delicious and popular for cooking. If this kind of vegetable is
prepared by normal method that is soaking – brewing, it will be very clean.
Nevertheless, sprout growers have used some stimulant chemicals and urea to let
it grow better, more productive, so it will be easier to be poisoned by eating
To protect health of you and your family, it’d better not to
eat too much a kind of vegetables in long term. Before preparing and eating,
you should soak and wash them carefully to remove causative factors. After
eating, if you see any strange signs, you should visit the doctor as soon as