Is popcorn the perfect food?
Its less-than-stellar reputation as a
fatty, salty snack is about to change faster than you can say, ‘chick flick’.
New research has found that popcorn delivers a far more concentrated dose of
disease-preventing polyphenols than fruit and veg because those foods contain
so much water. It’s also a completely unprocessed wholegrain, high in fibre and
low in calories and fat. In fact, researchers have gone so far as to call it
the perfect snack food. Just don’t ruin its impressive profile with oil,
butter, salt or sugar. A dash of sunflower oil and a sprinkle of sea salt or
brown sugar are all you need to liven it up without stripping the benefits.
popcorn the perfect food?
If you only do one thing… eat almonds
Almonds area already renowned as a healthy
nibble, thanks to their good-for-you fats and high levels of vitamins and
minerals, but, according to the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, snacking
on them also suppresses your appetite for the rest of day. Researchers reckon
it’s down to their low-GI score, which keeps your blood sugar steady, so a
handful now prevents a biscuit tin raid later. Bring on the nuts.
you only do one thing… eat almonds
4PM treat Tweet
‘We’re munching Apple & Sultana Go
Ahead Crispy Slice, $ 2.6 – just 58 cals each. Delicious dipped in fruit tea’
For tips, news and snack inspiration,
follow us at Twitter. Com/ Zestmagazine
& Sultana Go Ahead Crispy Slice
Fast fact
15%… of people regularly wash their cloth
grocery bags – meaning 85% of us never do. Eew! Ditch bacteria with a hit of
hot, soapy water at least once a month.