How a little do, re, mi may boost baby’s
learning skills.

Of course, lullabies soothe babies – but
research shows that listening to music boosts his memory, attention and even
language skills later. A recent study at Brigham Young University showed music
even helped the physical development of premature infants. To help your baby
get in the groove:
Start early:
Research suggests newborn remember, and prefer, music they head in utero. So
pick a few tunes you really, really like to sing when you’re pregnant – and he
just might find their familiar rhythm and pattern soothing after he’s born.

Skip sad songs: Babies as young as 5 months can distinguish an upbeat song from a
gloomy one, according to a recent study at Iowa State University. “Music
affects mood,” says study author Douglas Gentile Ph.D. “Playing angry-sounding
music may agitate your baby, just as lullabies soothe.”
Hit replay:
Play or sing the same song at certain times of the day, like bathtime, naptime
and bedtime, and he’ll learn to associate the song with a comforting routine.
You might be surprised when simply singing a few bars might calm the tears –
like in aisle eight at the grocery store.

Say my name, say my name: Every baby loves hearing his name. So when you sing to him –
whether it’s the ABCs or Adele – inserts it in the song. Or check our Name Your
Tune ( for personalized CDs and watch his eyes light up every
time his name is sung.