There’re about 4 babies born every second, according to the
website of the toy and special gift manufacturer, Happy Worker. The world is
full with mothers who have to take care of their children by their own while
getting recovered. The best way to look after a mother who has just given birth
is to support and give help as much as possible.

The best way to
look after a mother who has just given birth is to support and give help as
much as possible.
It’s all about the mother
The postpartum recovery of a mother can last for 6 weeks or
longer (in case of Caesarian). During that time, the mother has to experience a
variety of emotional and physical changes. 2 week after a delivery, a mom can’t
drive and may start feeling like she can’t get out of their home. If she had a
Caesarian, she also couldn’t go up and down the stairs. She will need help on
the housework.
This is the moment mothers need sympathizing. It’s necessary
to get rid of mood changing caused by hormones, lacks of sleeps and pressures
of looking after a baby.

Encourage her to
take a break from the responsibility of taking care of a child and have a nap.
Encourage her to take a break from the responsibility of
taking care of a child and have a nap or a long bath for relaxation. Ask
someone to take her and the baby to a doctor for a check. Make sure that the
mother receives the essential nutrients which help her to heal wounds and
provide milk for the baby.
The baby and his siblings
It’s recommended that the new child and other children
should be care of by someone else so that the mother could have time to rest.
Take other children to the park or library; they’ll appreciate the attention as
much as the mother appreciates some quiet time. Offer to pick up the older
children from their kindergarten or school and to care of the baby by changing
diapers or feeding him at night or early time in the morning if the baby takes
Helping around the house

The mom should be
liberated from the housework as much as possible to get focused on healing
wounds, look after the baby and have rests.
The mom should be liberated from the housework as much as
possible to get focused on healing wounds, look after the baby and have rests.
You can help her with the house work, removing garbage, dish washing, walking
the dog, gardening, taking phone calls and messages. Cook foods then put the
foods in the fridge so that she can easily heat them up to eat.