and actress Jennifer Hudson recently chopped off her hair in to a trendy pixie
haircut. Jennifer believes that her old wardrobe doesn't particularly suit the
new edgy hairdo so she's decided to revamp her style to suit the new look. She
feels as though the new hairdo is similar to when she dropped a lot of weight
because she thinks it has altered her appearance dramatically. She says she is
now searching for body-elongating looks and admits she doesn't want her style
too look too forced.

is happy about her new look, especially because she thinks it makes her look
taller: ''I'm busy swiping out my entire wardrobe now. The hair
change is almost as drastic as my weight loss! It feels the exact same way.
Shorter hair makes me look taller, so I'm still trying to figure that
out. I was just on Shopbop last night, and I want clothes that will
elongate my body. If you are gonna wear a different style, you have to wear it,
you can't let it wear you.''
previously dropped several dress-sizes and became the face of Weight Watchers.
Despite her dedication to dieting and staying trim, she says she doesn't
deprive her body of anything and allows herself to cheat from time to time:
"I cheated my life away over the holidays. I fixed my son brownies and
chocolate chip cookies everyday of the holiday season, and mommy had some
too. Several times I went over my points, and it's good to allow yourself
that. If you don't give that, that's when you rebel.''