actress Keira Knightley surprised when she married James Righton in France
wearing a Chanel dress that she previously already wore on the red carpet and
has since worn to further events - she could have easily selected a new garment
but opted to reuse an old favourite instead.

has revealed that the nude strapless design is now ruined because it has a
large red wine stain and she thinks it's time for it to go in to retirement.
She said about the incident which destroyed the memorable
dress: ''It's [the dress has] now got red wine spilled down the
front because the last time I wore it my friend went like this [she juts out
her elbows] and now it's everywhere. I didn't quite realise the extent of it
until I got home. It's quite impressively splattered. But, hey, a good
night is a good night and when a dress has had its time, maybe it's had its
time. I'm pretty sure I can get it out but, if I can't, I'm happy with the
memory of a good night and the story of how the dress got destroyed.''
says that she loves fashion because she thinks of getting dressed as getting in
to character, especially when she's hitting the red carpet. The actress says
it's always a fun experience to try on new looks and assume a new personality
for events: ''I get to dress up as somebody different. When I'm
on the red carpet, it's, 'Oooh, who am I going to be tonight?'
And I like that, I think that's quite fun.''