he has dressed plenty of celebrities for big red carpet events including
Gwyneth Paltrow for the 2013 Oscars last year, fashion designer Tom Ford has
laughed about the general style seen on the red carpet during The Oscars.
He believes it is mostly "a bubble of 1950s Barbie clothes" and
says he doesn't particularly enjoy the process of dressing big name celebrities
for awards shows: "What's worn on the red carpet has nothing to do
with what's going on in contemporary fashion. It's a bubble of 1950s Barbie
clothes. It's quite different to what real people are really wearing. I
don't necessarily love the process. It's not a creative process dressing
actresses for the Oscars."

explains that when it comes to the red carpet or any other event, the goal is
most often to just satisfy the customer and their own personal vision, which he
says gives him very little room to be creative himself. He thus doesn't enjoy
having to take what they want on board because it gives him limited space left
to play with during the design process. He believes the end result ends up not
being "particularly important" which he doesn't like: "When
you're dressing an actress, or even sometimes someone getting married, you're
working with them and fulfilling their dream, their agent's dream, their
husband's dream. They have a preconceived notion of what they want to
wear, what they want to look like, how they're marketing this film and you're
kind of really just making something for them that's not particularly important."