Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen have just announced their plans to open their first
retail space. The duo behind successful fashion label 'The Row' have opted to
launch a new boutique for their designs which will be based in Los Angeles.
Mary-Kate explained why they decided to open their first store in L.A. instead
of New York City, commenting that they just happened to find their perfect
space in the city and decided to go for it: ''We've always wanted our own store
- it's always been part of the plan. It was a toss-up between
New York and Los Angeles, and when this space became available, we
jumped on it. It used to be a hair salon and my sister and I used to come here,
so we were very aware of the space.'' Ashley added that it makes perfect
sense to open their first ever store in Los Angeles because they've spent a lot
of their lives there and it's also where the label began: ''We are from
here, and The Row started here, so it was all very appropriate.''

explains that the new store will house every single item from each collection
which is unique as many stores only stock a small percentage of designs, so she
believes it will also act as a showroom for their designs: ''We have all
170 pieces in our collection represented here. A lot of stores obviously don't
buy the whole collection, maybe 20 percent, so this is really the place
where we can present it like a showroom.''