Christy Turlington doesn't see any negatives when it comes to aging. She says
that getting older, people just get wiser and she doesn't know why there is
such a negative spin put on the aging process. She reveals that if she had a
choice, she wouldn't turn back the clock because she's happy with her current
self: "There aren't any negatives to getting older. Honestly, I think with
age comes wisdom, so how could you argue with that? I feel that women
are under too much pressure to try to look younger. I wouldn't go back in time
for anything. I'm happy with who I am now.''

adds that she doesn't have a fussy beauty routine and her main focus is just
keeping her skin as hydrated as possible throughout the day which is her
biggest secret: ''I don't like to put a lot of extra stuff on my
skin. Moisture is the most important thing for it, so once it's hydrated and
I've put some concealer on, then I feel my best.''
model reveals that she enjoyed pregnancy because she noticed some positive
changes in her skin and felt very radiant which she believes has also extended
in to motherhood because she thinks her skin has a new "glow" which
wasn't there before: ''When I became a mother, there were some changes in
my skin at first, but mostly positive ones. Pregnancy can go either way - it
can make your skin more reactive, or it can glow. I felt that motherhood
gave me more of the benefits. My skin was pretty radiant when I
was pregnant.''