this new innovative mascara brush design change how you apply makeup forever?
Avon has just unveiled an impressive new product that could be the beginning of
a whole new type of mascara brush if it catches on. The product in question is
named 'Mega Effects' and works by painting on to separated lashes thanks to the
amazing 3d brush that also works more like a paint roller than a traditional
mascara brush. Anthony Wells, who
is executive director of commercial marketing UK, commented on the new idea:
“With over 70 years of mascara experience, Avon understands the importance of
transforming this make-up staple to offer women innovative and affordable ways
to get the lashes they want."

adds that the break through idea is just one of many they have innovated in the
past: “Mega Effects Mascara is just the latest in a long line of mascara
breakthroughs for Avon and the demand has been extraordinary, with one selling
every 10 seconds, this is set to be a beauty classic.”
brush works at an amazing 12 different angles and aims to apply clump-free
flawless mascara that is also non-flaking and non-smudging. Sounds too good to
be true? The company spent over 5 years researching the product including 5,000
scientific hours and 2,000 reviews before putting in on the market,
ensuring it worked in every way possible - they claim it even manages to apply
up to 40 per cent more mascara than a standard mascara brush upon
application. This is sure to become a new beauty classic and many companies may
even try to follow suit.