Lemonade with honey is not only a reliable
remedy for losing weight, but also for treating sore throat.
1. Lemon
Lemon is one of fruits that have highest
value of pharmaceuticals as it’s rich in vitamin C, carbohydrate, calcium,
phosphorus, iron, vitamin B1 and B2 which are very useful for human. It is
known as an anti-inflammation fruit with the ability similar to a natural
antibiotic because it can prevent viruses, get rid of inflammation and increase

is one of fruits that have highest value of pharmaceuticals.
Lemonade with honey is a reliable remedy
for losing weight, but also for treating sore throat.
2. Pear
Pear contains protein, a large amount of
fat, sugar, crude fibers, minerals like calcium, phosphorus, iron… and many
vitamins, so it can decrease blood pressure, foster the croup, get rid of
rheum, bring refreshment, detoxification and diuretic effects, stimulate
appetite and digestion.

can be used as water and nutrient supplements for people having fever.
Therefore, eating pear regularly will help
the body be prevented from burning mouth and sore throat. Pear can be used as
water and nutrient supplements for people having fever. Besides, pear is sweet
and juicy, so it’s also known as a natural mineral water.
3. Honey
Honey is a nutritious fruit and a popular
remedy. Honey contains inorganic salt with a concentration as much as one in
serum, organic acids like vitamins, iron, calcium, copper, manganese,
potassium, phosphorus…. Moreover, there’re health micro-nutrients, fructose,
glucose, amylase, oxidant enzymes and reductase in honey, which makes it able
to foster, moisturize, detoxify, bring anti-inflammation and laxative effects….
Tea with honey is considered to be a
magical remedy for your sore throat. You should dilute a spoon of honey with a
cup of tea and a half of a lemon.
4. Tomato

malic acid, nitric acid and sugar in the fruit can support digestive function
and improve appetite.
Tomato is rich in carotene, vitamin C and B
group vitamins. Lycopene in tomato can inhibit bacteria so it helps reduce
inflammations including sore throat. The malic acid, nitric acid and sugar in
the fruit can support digestive function and improve appetite.
According to Chinese medicines, tomato is
of balance, sour and able to release heat, detoxify, prevent thirst and bring
diuretic effects.
5. Carrot
Carrot is a kind of delicious and
nutritious vegetable, so it’s also called “little ginseng”. Carrot is rich in
nutrients like carbohydrate, fat, volatile oil, carotene, vitamin A, vitamin
B1, B2, anthocyanin, calcium and iron.
Besides, carrot is able to treat sore
throat because it can reduce the congestive symptom in the throat. But, to
promote the ability to treat diseases, carrot needs boiling or steaming before
eating as the raw carrot can worse the sore throat.
6. Apple

very good for people having sore throat.
In 100gr apple, there’re 6.5 -11.2gr fruit
sugar, 2.5-3.5gr glucose, 1-5.2gr sugar and a great content of micronutrients,
such as zinc, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, vitamin B1, B2, C and
Apple is sweet, sour, of balance, a little
bit salty and safe. According to Chinese medicine, apple can ease the thirst,
improve lung health, bring diuretic effects, remove inflammation, treat
diarrhea and sunstroke…. Therefore, it’s very good for people having sore
7. Orange
In orange peel, there’s a great content of
vitamin C and aromatic oil. Orange peel has the ability to remove rheum,
improve inflammation and decrease blood pressure, which makes it good herbal.
After clean and dry orange peel, you should soak it in gin for 2-3 weeks before
using it. It can improve lung health.