Maternity leave ending soon? Make the
transition back to work easier for both of you.
Returning to your job after having a baby,
once your maternity leave is over, can cause a major upheaval for you and your
little one both. There are lots of thing that start worrying you. For instance,
there are new schedules to adjust to, caregivers to get to know, and other
complex emotions to face as you’ll suddenly be apart from your baby for lengthy
stretches during the day. We know that it’s enough to stress out any new mom.
But the way you tackle these challenges
will impact how well your infant copes with your absence. “Babies are very in
tune with their mother’s feelings,” says Dr. Lee Beers, Assistant Professor of
Pediatrics at the Children’s National Medical Center, in Washington DC, US. “If
your child senses that you’re calm and comfortable, he’ll likely react more
positively to the changes is his routine.” Dr. Beers, a mother of two young
kids, speaks from wcperience. She and other paediatricians from the US, share
their strategies for making a seamless return to work.
Plan ahead
During the first few weeks, you’ll be
figuring out how to juggle your job and your new-mom duties. Being organized is
essential. “If you handle the logistical issues – who’s doing what and when in
the household – it helps you deal better with the emotional part,” says Dr.
Beers. Make a weekly schedule of chores, and baby care. Try to keep your baby
on a regular routine of naps, meals, bath, and bedtime so she starts to
anticipate what comes next.
Building a cushion into the morning rush is
crucial. “About a week before you turn, try out your new schedule,” advises Dr.
Abby Geltemeyer, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at The University of Texas
Health Science Center at Houston, US, and a mother of four. “See whether you
have enough time to get the diaper bag packed, the bottles ready, and your baby
changed, dressed, and dropped off.” If not, this is your chance to make
Start pumping
If you plan to continue nursing, you should
begin freezing milk several weeks before your return to build up a healthy
supply for daytime feedings. You’ll also want to get your baby used to drinking
from a bottle: Most experts advise introducing it when he’s 2 to 4 weeks old.
Find out ahead of time if and where you can
pump on the job. It might even be worth investing in a second machine that you
leave at work (it’ll save you the hassle of carrying the pump every day). Even
if you choose not to pump at work, there’s no need to wean your baby. You can
breastfeed in the mornings and evenings, and your milk supply will gradually
adjust so you don’t become engorged during the day.
Soften the separation
Although an infant is too young to
experience separation anxiety, many mothers notice that their infant tends to
become fussier when her environment changes. To help your baby adjust more
quickly to her new arrangement, spend short periods away from her before you go
back. “This helps her learn that it’s perfectly normal for other people to take
care of her too,” says Dr. Beers.
If you’re going to drop Baby off at your
mum’s place, get her used to the routine several days to a week before you
return. This will help your child get familiar with the routine. Pack an item
of your clothing, which carries your comforting smell. Dr. Rachel Plotnick, a
paediatrician at Greater Baltimore Medical Center, US, and a mother of two,
adds that it’s often easier for new moms to restart work midweek; that way
you’ll only have a few days to wait until the weekend.
Anticipate pratfalls
No matter how foolproof your work and
childcare arrangement may seem, there will be times when things don’t go
smoothly. Babies get sick. Nannies take off one leave without prior intimation.
Day-care centres may close for a maintenance day. Your boss might need you to
stay after hours to complete a project. So you’ll want to have a backup plan in
place. Line up alternative caregivers – your partner? A neighbor? And look for
emergency resources such as an agency that could give you a day nanny. It may
sound like a lot of legwork, but the rewards for thorough preparation will pay
off: your baby will be well cared for, you’ll be more content, and, best of
all, you and your child can enjoy a happy reunion everyday.