Olive mousse with candied olives,
pineapple sorbet and seasonal fruit

mousse with candied olives, pineapple sorbet and seasonal fruit
The flavour combinations olive mousse
250ml (1 cup) full cream milk
4 egg yolks (reserve the whites for the olive
50g (¼ cup) sugar
50ml extra virgin olive oil/good olive oil with less
6 (12,5g) gelatin leaves
60ml (¼ cup) cold water
300ml whipped cream
How to do it
1. Bring the milk to a boil, being careful to remove from heat before
it bubbles over.
2. In a separate bowl, mix the egg yolks, sugar and olive oil together.
3. Soak the gelatine sheets in the cold water until soft. Squeeze out
excess water.
4. Add the olive oil mixture to the milk, stirring on low heat until it
thickens slightly (about 82°C). If the mixture overheats, it will separate, and
you will have to start again. Strain the mixture into a metal bowl and, while
hot, dissolve the gelatine sheets into it. Refrigerate until the mixture starts
to set and fold in the whipped cream.
Candied olives
100g normal olives in brine, pitted and sliced
in half
200ml water
500g sugar, divided equally into three
How to do it
1. Blanch the olives 3 times in water to reduce the salt content.
2. Boil the 200ml water and olives, and add one-third of the sugar.
Simmer for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.
3. Add the second portion of sugar and continue to simmer for 30
minutes. Add the final portion of sugar and simmer again for 30 minutes, at
which time the mixture should have the consistency of syrup. Store in a dry place.
Pineapple sorbet
1 pineapple, peeled and chopped
30ml (2 tbsp) liquid glucose
100 – 120g white sugar

How to do it
1. Blend the pineapple until smooth. Dry-fry one-fifth of the pineapple
in a pan over medium heat and then stir in the glucose until mixed.
2. Add remaining pineapple. Add 100 – 120g sugar, depending on
sweetness of the pineapple. If you have a sorbet machine, use this to finish
the sorbet. If you do not have a sorbet machine, place mixture in a metal bowl
in the freezer, and stir with a whisk from time to time, until mixture is
frozen. The time needed to finish the sorbet will vary according to your
freezer temperature.
Olive baiser
50g egg whites (from olive mousse)
100g (½ cup) sugar
20g olives, finely chopped (these should be left
salty, as this gives the baiser its distinctive taste)

How to do it
1. Preheat oven to 90°C – 100°C.
2. Beat the egg whites until stiff, adding the sugar gradually.
3. Add olives at the last moment. Pour the mixture onto a baking tray lined
with baking paper or a non-stick mat, and dry in preheated oven for 5hours. The
baiser should break apart easily.
To serve
Seasonal fruits, cubed
Tropical fruit coulis (mango or pineapple)
Granadilla pulp (optional)
Using a hot spoon, place a scoop of olive
mousse in the centre of a plate and garnish with cubed fruit. Place a scoop of
pineapple sorbet next to the mousse, add drained candied olives, and finish
with crumbled baiser, cubed fruits, coulis and granadilla pulp (if desired).