Build up your stash of everyday recipes with
these dead-easy snacks, treats and meals. They all serve one, so simply up the
quantities if feeding more.
Eggs over easy: 4 quick omelettes

and herb

Sauté 150g sliced mushrooms in cooking
spray. When cooked, remove from the pan and keep warm. Wipe the pan and mist
with more cooking spray. Pour in 2 eggs beaten with 1 tsp water and some
seasoning. When the eggs are partially set, add the mushrooms and some chopped
fresh parsley or fresh chives. When cooked, fold and serve with some sliced
Heat a frying pan with 1/2 tsp olive oil
and sauté 75g thinly sliced cooked potato, and a little sliced red pepper and
onion. Pour in 2 eggs beaten with 1 tsp water and some seasoning. When the eggs
are partially set top with tomato slices. When cooked, fold and serve with a
green salad.
and cheese
Mist a pan with cooking spray. Pour in 2
eggs beaten with 1 tsp water and some seasoning. When the eggs are partiall
set, add 30g snipped wafer thin ham and 20g half fat Cheddar. When cooked, fold
and serve with a lettuce, celery, tomato and cucumber salad dressed with 1 tbsp
fat free vnaignette.
pea and mint

Boil a few asparagus stems for 2-3 minutes
and drain. Beat 2 eggs with I tsp water and some seasoning. Add 30g fresh or
defrosted frozen peas. Pour into a pan misted With cooking spray. When the eggs
are partially set, top with the asparagus and 1 tbsp chopped fresh mint. When
cooked, fold and serve wrth a rocket salad with a little balsamic vinegar.
Everybody’s fave
2 ways with spag bol.

Sauté I small chopped onion, some sliced
red pepper, I diced bacon medallion and I crushed garlic dove in cooking spray.
When soft, add 100g extra lean beef mince and 50g chopped chicken liver and
cook until no longer pinkThen add 200g canned tomatoes, 100ml fresh beef stock,
1/4 tsp dried oregano and I tbsp tomato purée. Cook, uncovered, for 10 minutes,
then add some sliced mushrooms and simmer for a further 20 minutes. Season to
taste and serve wrth 150g cooked wholewheat pasta.
chicken Bolognese

Sauté 1 small chopped onion and I crushed
garlic clove in cooking spray. When soft, add 100g chicken mince and cook until
it's no longer pink. Add I small celery stick diced. I small grated carrot, 1/2
tsp dried basil, 1 tbsp tomato purée, a pinch of crushed chilli flakes, 200g
canned tomatoes, a dash of Worcestershire sauce and 150ml chicken stock made
with 1/2 cube. Cook, uncovered, for 10 minutes, then add 5 sliced mushrooms and
cook for a further 20 minutes. Season to taste and serve with 175g cooked wholewheat
Give it a rub
4 flavourings for grilled meat and fish
lemon and cumin rub

lemon and cumin rub
Place a pinch of chilli flakes. I tsp cumin
seeds and 1/2 tsp each of black peppercorns and LoSalt into a pestle and
mortar. Grind thoroughly, then mix in the finely grated zest of a lemon. Rub
half the mix onto a 120g skinless haddock fillet. Grill for 2 minutes on each
side, or until cooked, and serve with 150g new potatoes and some grilled
garlic and rosemary rub

Put I crushed garlic clove and I tsp olive
oil in a ramekin with Vi tsp chopped fresh rosemary and the juice from 1/2
lemon. Leave to infuse for at least an hour Rub the flavoured Oil into a I OOg
lamb leg steak and gill or chargnll to your liking. Serve with 150g cooked
couscous mixed with some quartered tomatoes, grilled courgettes and red onion.
Cajun rub

Mix together 1 tsp LoSaft, 1 tsp dried
minced garlic, 1/2 tbsp sweet smoked paprika, and 1/2 tsp each freshly ground
black pepper, cayenne pepper, dried onion granules, dried oregano and dned
thyme. Bake a 200g (raw weight) potato. Meanwhile, rub 1/8 of the Cajun mix
over one side of a 165g skinless chicken breast and grill (or barbecue) for 4-5
minutes.Turn, rub in another 1/8 of the mix, and cook for a further 4-5 minutes
or until cooked. Serve With a squeeze of lemon juice, a zero ProPoints value
salad, I tbsp reduced fat coleslaw and the potato.
Mix together I tsp each clear honey, hoi
sin sauce and soy sauce. Combine well with 1/2 tsp Chinese 5 spice powder.
Brush some of the glaze on one side of a 130g pork escalope and grill for 3-4
minutes.Turn, brush the other side with the remaining glaze and cook for a
further 3-4 minutes or until cooked. Serve with pak choi spring onion, baby
corn, some sliced peppers and mushrooms stir fried in cooking spray.
3 quick yogurt puds
Choc banana yogurt
Add an 11g sachet of Weight Watchers Hot
Chocolate Drink to a 170g 0% fat Greek yogurt and mix thoroughly. Stir in I
sliced banana and serve.
and strawberry Eton mess

Add 1/2 tbsp lemon sachet of Weight
Watchers Hot Chocolate Drmk to a I70g 0% fat Greek yogurt and mix thoroughly.
Stir in curd to 100g 0% fat Greek yogurt and mix thoroughly. Crumble a 12g
meringue nest and stir gently into the mix along with a handful of halved fresh
strawberries and serve.
mango slush

Freeze 1/2 a very ripe mango cut into 1cm
cubes. When frozen, liquidise with 150g low fat natural yogurt. 2 tsp
artificial sweetener and the juice and zest of 1/2 lime. Serve immediately.
Big brunch
Sometimes it just has to be done Grill 2
bacon medallions, a Weight Watchers Premium Pork Sausage, a halved ttomato and
some mushrooms. Meanwhile, poach an egg and fry 100g cooked and sÌiced potạto
in cooking spraỵ. Serve the egg on a slice of calorie controlled bread
alongside the rest of the breakfast, adding 1 tbsp tomato ketchup.