Stomach pain is popular and often happens at
anywhere, any age. The disease starts suddenly and develops fast.
The pain can be due to endogenous and
exogenous factors. The most popular endogenous elements are viruses, bacteria
and their toxic products, foods that are too hot, cold or infected, poisoned
which caused by E.coli staph…, corrosives, heat stimulation, abnormalities or
some kinds of drugs like aspirin….
An unhealthy diet can make the disease get
more serious, endanger human physical health. Therefore, the important thing is
that people have stomach pain need to know and avoid foods that aren’t suitable
to the daily lifestyle.
Fried foods
have stomach pain should limit eating fried foods.
People have stomach pain should limit
eating fried foods. Those foods contain lots of fat. If you are having trouble
of enteritis and stomach pains, fried foods can cause diarrhea to you.
Uncooked onion
Onion contains a variety of nutrients that help
protect the heart, though; eating raw onion can cause you abdominal pains. You
should cook the onion to get rid of some toxic products.
unhealthy diet can make your stomachache worse.
Raw green broccoli and cabbage
Green broccoli and cabbage are vegetables
having plenty of fibers which are good for the health. However, they tend to
cause gas which brings you heaviness when eating them raw. For the reason,
people who have stomachache had better cook them before eating.
In coffee, there’s lots of caffeine which is
a stimulants that stomachache patients should avoid.
Strong tea
To normal people, green tea is very good
for health but, to people who have stomachache, it can make the stomach pains
get worse. Especially, we shouldn’t drink green tea when hungry.
People who have stomachache should be
careful when eating chocolate. That’s because eating too much chocolate can
lead to gastric juice reflux in the stomach.
Orange juice
juice is of acidity, which means orange can cause digestive disturbance and
excite sensitive nerves.
Orange juice is of acidity, which can cause
digestive disturbance and excite sensitive nerves. If stomachache patients
drink orange juice, that digestive tracts are full of acid can cause stomach
pains. Besides, lemonade can causes diarrhea to patients of enteropathy and
Peach is both delicious and nutritious.
Peach contains a variety of iron, which plays an important part in preventing
anemia to human body. The pectin in peach can prevent people from having
constipation. On the other hand, to stomachache patients, eating peach can be
dangerous. Besides, eating too much peach can cause heaviness.
stomachache patients, eating peach can be dangerous.
Chili is good for the digestion of normal
people but, as chili contain an alcaloit which is spicy and hot, it will worsen
the stomachache. Accordingly, people who have stomachache shouldn’t eat chili.
high content of protein in ice-cream can be very harmful to some people.
Though it’s summer, if you have
stomachache, you’d better not eat ice-cream. The high content of protein in
ice-cream can be very harmful to people who have stomachache and enteropathy
and able to cause abdominal pains.
Stomachache symptoms
The pain is round the area above the belly
button and often happens 2 to 3 hours after eating. Sometimes, it can happen at
night and wake you up.
That pain gets more serious when hungry and
better after drinking milk, eating foods or having acid counteracting pills.
Vomit or nausea
Heaviness, having heartburn in the morning or
3-4 hours after eating
Weight loss, tiredness