Anorexia is the obsession of children and
You children suffer from anorexia? It takes
you a lot of hours to feed babies? You feel tired to work in your office and
when you come home, you have to be hard with your children.

are many reasons for children’s anorexia.
There are many reasons for children’s
anorexia. Anorexia is caused by physiology, pathology, and even psychology.
However, it’s difficult to define the reason of anorexia of children. Referring
information to overcome is mainly: “You need to define the reason of anorexia
of children to solve the problem” or “take children to go to see doctor” and
after that you have to be hard to remember the way to use and dose of medicine,
time for taking medicine. How to deal with children’s anorexia?
The first thing that you should do is: defining that your
children suffer from anorexia or not
Eat in more 30 minutes
Children’ weight is lower than the standard
weight. (You can refer to the standard table of weight on internet).
Cry, pretend to vomit, cover mouth and hold food
in their mouth when they eat

in meal is also an expression of children’s anorexia.
The number of meal and eat less than babies that
have the same age.
Only eat some kinds of food
If children have the above signs, they have
the high risk of anorexia. Why do you have to define your children suffer from
anorexia nor not? At present, many parents conclude that the reason of
anorexia: “Children don’t eat correctly with your intention”, “Your baby
doesn’t eat as well as the boy that was born in the same month in
neighborhood”. This defining is very impulsive, is similar to “worrying for
children too much”. Parents need to understand that the development of babies
is different. Therefore, parents need to base on 5 above expressions to define
children’s anorexia.
Things that you should do when you define your children’s
anorexia already:
Have enough sleep and form the habit of eating
and drinking on time for babies
Pay attention to form when processing food
You shouldn’t force children to eat and storm at
children in the meals and you shouldn’t let children nosh before meals.
Let children practice sports suitably and have
meal with family.

should let children have meal with family.
Apply the rule “When children feel hungry,
they will eat and when they feel delicious, they will like”.
children feel hungry, they will eat
This is a hard method. It requires mothers
have high determination when they see: children feel bored when they just eat 2
spoons of soup, they also feel bored although they just drink a little of milk.
And they feel normal when they only eat a half bowl of soup all day. This is
the method that you deprive children of food, so it is the thing that not many
parents can do. Sometimes, this method is also counterproductive: children
won’t agree to eat and they will be thin quickly.
children feel delicious, they will like
When children feel delicious, they will
like and crave for food. This thing is correct to not only children but also
all people. How to make children feel delicious? At present, scientists found
the substances that have big effect to delicious feeling of children,
especially Lysine and zinc. These are the micronutrients that can stimulate
children’s taste. When children lack these 2 substances, they will suffer from
anorexia. Therefore, it’s very necessary to provide them for children so that
they will feel delicious and excited with mothers’ meal.