Some mothers find and buy come functional
foods for their children because they hope that their children will have enough
vitamins and develop. Is this thing effective?
When mothers recognize that their children
are lazy to eat green vegetables and fruits, they inform and find to buy some
functional foods for their children because they hope that their children will
have enough vitamins and develop. Is this thing effective? According to
experts, using functional foods to replace green vegetables and fruits in daily
meals for children won’t bring expected effect.

the natural foods is the best.
Using the natural foods is the best. For
example, synthesized vitamin C, if it is in the synthesized form, it is easily
oxidized. At this time, it will change to oxalic acid, this acid will combine
with vitamin C that is easy to evaporate and be oxidized, so it’s difficult to
store it in body. To fruits, vitamin C isn’t in the simple form, it always
combines with some vitamins and other substances to create mixed block that can
make activity of vitamin C increase highly. It will be difficult to be
decomposed and eliminated. Therefore, using vitamin C in fruits will store
longer. You can absorb it more easily and it is good for the digestion of body.

vitamin C in fruits will store longer and you can absorb it more easily.
Vegetables and fruits have especially
important nutritious value. Vegetables and fruits can provide the necessary
source of minerals to maintain the balance of alkali in body. Minerals that
have alkali feature such as potassium, calcium, magnesium… that can contribute
to neutralize acid products formed by food or transforming process.
The amount of calcium in fruits is less
than milk, but it can create the score Calcium: P that is suitable to
assimilate (1:0:6). Fruits don’t contain a lot of calcium and phosphor, but
correlation is suitable for assimilating process. Fe in fruits is in the form
of organic Fe while fruits contain the high content of vitamin C, so it is easy
to absorb.

and minerals in fruits are necessary for the development of children.
Vitamins and minerals in fruits and
vegetables are the micronutrients that are necessary for the development of
children. They contribute to prevent diseases about bacterial contamination.
People also detect the important role of vegetables and fruits in preventing
heart disease and inhibiting the development of cancerous tumors. Therefore,
you should encourage children to eat green vegetables and ripe fruits.