Hand-foot-mouth disease is very popular and
it isn’t often serious. It is popular to little children because of catching
viruses, it is typical with the symptoms of fever and break out in the rash in
palm, sole of the food and inside mouth.

disease is very popular and it isn’t often serious.
This disease will be infected from this
person to that one, through juice secreting from nose, saliva, vesicle, or
excrement of patients. The leading reason is coxsackievirus A16, one kind of
virus that belongs to enterovirus. It can also be caused other enteroviruses,
and it isn’t too popular. Especially, enterovirus 71 isn’t too popular;
however, it can cause complication that is more serious such as meningitis or
myocarditis and it will lead to death.
To prevent disease, parents need to keep
hygiene for children. If children have signs of itch and having spot in hand,
foot, mouth, you should take children to go to the hospital as soon as
Varicella is the disease that is caused by
bacteria. First of all, children have fever and after that high fever. This
disease can last 4-5 days. This disease is popular in transitional seasons and
when the weather is hot and cold. When people catch this disease, people will
have the long immunization and they won’t catch the second time.
This disease is benign and most children go
to the hospital to check and will be cured at home. This disease is popular to
children that are from 1 to 9 years old. Children that are under 2 year old
rarely catch this disease; however, children can also catch this disease. This
disease is infected through respiratory system, so when children cough, virus
will exist in the environment around, so other children can catch disease.
Parents need to intensify problem about hygiene, eating, drinking, respiration
and skin to prevent this disease. When children are 12 months old, you should
take them to the hospital to vaccinate. When children had varicella, children’s
don’t need to vaccinate.

children are 12 months old, you should take them to the hospital to vaccinate.
If children have a fever in the days when
varicella appears and spreads, you need to take children to go to see doctor immediately
because children can meet danger.
Dengue is an infected disease and it can
become epidemic disease. This disease often takes place at the beginning of
summer and it can be very dangerous for children if children aren’t cure
The expressions of this disease: children
have high fever suddenly from 39 to 40oC in a long time, and they
also cough and have runny nose. Their skin has hemorrhagic spots, popular in
arm and leg. Children can have bellyache in low slope on the right hand because
liver becomes bigger. In addition, children can get a nosebleed and bleed in
stump. In serious case, children can have digestive bleeding: vomiting, having
bowel movement with blood, cold hands and foot, bellyache and circulatory
When children have dengue, parents need to
let children drink a lot of water. If children have a fever over 38.5oC,
you let children take Paracetamol to reduce temperature (absolutely not use
aspirin because this medicine will increase the risk of bleeding). You should
take children to the hospital immediately when you recognize that children have
serious signs such as getting a nosebleed, glassy feeling and bellyache.

can hang mosquito net to help babies avoid mosquito.
To prevent dengue, you need to pour
redundant water in places that have stagnant water, water chest, bucket, basin.
Put fish into things that contain water in house to, kill mosquito larva, scour
and change water regularly. You need to cover tools that contain water. Collect
and destroy waste around your house, clear bush clear drain. In addition,
parents should hang mosquito net to avoid mosquito. You can also use mosquito
spray and you should also be cautious to use to little children. You can use
protection screen or screen that is soaked chemicals to destroy mosquito to
limit and kill mosquito.
Many kinds of virus cause meningitis such
as Arbovirus, virus in bowel, virus of varicella and mumps.
The expressions of disease are fever,
feeling dizzy, sore throat, bellyache, sneezing, having runny nose, headache,
vomiting more seriously, patients can have lethargy, be in a coma and have
intellectual disability. In some cases, it also has sudden fever, convulsion,
paralyzed limbs. Acute meningitis often lasts from 1 to 3 weeks; however, its’
restoring is very slow. Although there is the medicine that can prevent virus,
it is only effective to some kinds of virus, not all.
To prevent disease, you need to keep
children to avoid being bitten by mosquito with the ways such as using incense
to drive away mosquito, have mosquito spraying periodically, wear long clothes,
hang mosquito net, raise fish to destroy mosquito larva in the places
containing water, clear bush. To Japanese encephalitis B, children should be