As parents, you can stress teen's behaviors.
Your girl may ignore or does not agree with your rules and standard. However,
you may not realize the lack of respect is a natural part of growing up. When
children become teenagers, they begin to build their own identity, attitudes
and standards that may not fit their parents. You may be familiar with the
control you have when children are still young. In return, your child may feel
oppressed or disrespected. The key here is that respect can’t be forced, it
must be earned.

to handle a disrespectful teen?
1. Be
tough, but fair. Obviously the rules and limits should be set on how your teens
behave. However, it has two sides. The use of forces, such as threats, insults
or physical abuse will make your children feel
disrespected. In return, they will show little respect to you.

Be tough, but fair.
2. Explain
that you are showing respect to them. Teens often disrespect their parents when
they can’t get what they want. When this happens, you need to clarify that you
are respectful to your kids. For example, point out that you did not raise your
voice or suppress the threat.
3. Address the
attitude. Typically, disrespectful behavior is started by a
certain form of matter. Tell them how disrespectful it is and how they can
argue more politely to present their point.
4. Let them express
their feeling. Never disapproving your children by rejecting their opinions or
threaten them to agree with you. They are old enough to have their own point of
views and beliefs, including when it comes to arguments. The key
is allowing them to disagree but they must respect your decision. It’s also an
important way to prepare them for the real world, because adults are also
forced to do things they do not want again and again.
5. Prepare
to be treated as an enemy. Since you can’t force your teen to respect you, you
should be able to deal with their disrespectful attitude. You can always seek
assistance from people like your husband, family, even counselor or pastor.

Prepare to be treated as an enemy.
6. Take your
decisions, regardless of the backlash. You have to do what is right, not easy things.
Your teens will not respect you if you just let them do what they want to avoid
a confrontation.