Breast-feeding provides your baby with the best
nutritional start in life and has a range of other benefits, outlined
here. If you decide to bottle-feed, you can also be confident that your
baby will thrive. The key to both methods is preparation.
The benefits of breast-feeding
Breast-feeding is the
perfect first food for your baby; it contains all the nutrients your
baby needs and works on a supply and demand basis, so that as your baby
feeds, your body responds by producing more milk. Breast milk is thought
to reduce a baby’s risk of developing an allergic condition, such as
asthma and eczema, to make childhood obesity and diabetes less likely,
and it may reduce the long-term risk of heart disease.
Breast-feeding also
provides benefits for you. It helps your uterus contract to its
pre-pregnancy shape more quickly. It helps you get back into shape
quicker since your body uses additional energy to produce breast milk,
and it reduces your risk of getting breast and ovarian cancer.
Lastly, and importantly, breast-feeding helps you and your baby to be close both physically and emotionally.
When your milk comes in
In the first few days
your breasts produce colostrum, a watery substance that contains
essential nutrients and antibodies that help your baby to fight off
infections such as those of the ear, chest, and gastrointestinal tract.
At around day three, or
sometimes a bit later, you will start to produce milk, which contains
all the nutrients your baby needs. Your breasts may feel uncomfortably
full and tender at this time, and you’ll need to make sure they’re
properly emptied at each feeding to prevent them from becoming engorged .
Successful breast-feeding
Despite the fact
that breast-feeding is a natural process, it can sometimes prove
difficult. Getting comfortable before a feeding, positioning your baby
well, and ensuring that she latches on properly (see Latching on), are all prerequisites for successful feeding.
For your baby to latch on
properly, it’s important that you’re both positioned well. Ensure that
you’re comfortable and that your back is well supported; using cushions
for support may be helpful. You may find sitting and cradling your baby
at chest level is comfortable with her tummy facing your tummy. Or you
could try a football hold with your baby under your arm. Some women find
it helpful to lie on their side to latch their baby on. You’ll soon
discover which positions suit you best and will gradually gain
confidence in your ability to feed.
Once your baby is
latched on, the “letdown” reflex is triggered. You will feel a tingling
sensation as milk is released, which in turn stimulates the production
of more milk. Your baby will pause during feedings and stop when she is
full. It’s advisable to always have water or juice during or just after a
feeding to replace the fluids lost from breast milk.
Holding your baby tummy-to-tummy is a comfortable position for you both, enabling your baby to latch on well (Latching on).
An under-arm “football” hold can help keep a restless baby still (bottom, left).
Lying side by side is often recommended after a cesarean.