Saturdays band member Mollie King has expressed interest in one day launching
her own fashion collection. Mollie, who collaborated with British retailer
Oasis for a 'Loved by Mollie' Autumn/Winter 2013 offering, says she learned a
lot from her experience with the company and would one day like to get the
chance to try designing under her own name. She explained that she is happy she
has taken this approach because she gets to learn as she works with bigger
companies before trying for herself in the future: ''I would like to
design, yes. Hopefully in the future. I've learnt so much from doing the
campaign it's been a really nice introduction for me because you don't realise
how much there is to learn so I'm really pleased I've done it this way round
first and then would like to do into designing at some point.''

is expected to soon launch a new range with Oasis in April this year for the
upcoming season, and she also says that she enjoys posing for ad campaigns as a
model. However, at the moment she has to put her career as a singer first and
says she'll continue focusing on her work with The Saturdays before branching
out in to new areas on her own: ''I love doing the modelling I'm
really enjoying it and learning lots from working with different photographers.
However my priorities for this year are with the band and with Oasis
as I have another collection coming out with them in April.''