Tomato, broccoli and asparagus… are one of
the foods that are rich in folic acid and good for pregnant women in pregnancy
and babies when they begin to wean.
Fe is a substance that helps nourish red
blood cells of body and it will create hemoglobin that can transport oxygen in
body. Before the weaning time, babies that are under 6 months old have a big
amount of stored Fe in body and they can get enough Fe through their mothers’
When children enter to the weaning age (6
months old), they will begin to suck mother’s milk and be bottle-fed less. This
thing means that children will have anemia because of lacking Fe because their
mothers don’t have a suitable plan for weaning.
To pregnant women and women after giving
birth, besides providing folic acid, using the foods that are rich of this
nutrient is good for women, especially the first period of pregnancy and in the
period that you are going to become pregnant.
Mothers and babies should try 5 following
foods that are rich of folic acid:
1. Tomato

is considered the useful food for weaning meal of babies.
A cup of tomato juice contains 48mcg of
folic acid. In addition, folic acid is the food that is rich of vitamins,
fiber, and antioxidant.
To mothers
Tomato juice can help body absorb Fe with
the maximum level, especially when you are using tablets to provide Fe. If
tomato juice isn’t your favorite dish, a bowl of tomato soup is considered a
perfect replacement.
Tomato is considered the useful food for
weaning meal of babies. However, nutritious experts recommend that parents
shouldn’t let children eat tomato before babies are 10 months old because the
amount of acid in tomato will make babies’ weak stomach.
2. Avocado

half of avocado contains 90mcg folate.
One half of avocado contains 90mcg folate.
In addition, avocado also contains the content of fiber, vitamin, Fe, potassium
and other necessary minerals.
When you mention to nutrition before
becoming pregnant, avocado is the wonderful source of nutrition. Moreover,
avocado is also similar to salmon and walnut, it contains a lot of omega-3
fatty acids (healthy fats that are good for mothers’ heart and babies’ brain).
Avocado is not only healthy for children but
also the fruit that is suitable with many babies’ appetite. In addition,
avocado has a big benefit that you don’t need to cook avocado, you only need to
process a little and after that you can use, so it won’t lose vitamins.
Moreover, avocado is easy to combine with
kinds of grain, vegetables and fruits. Avocado is really the number one choice
in the menu of weaning foods for babies in the age from 4 to 6 months old.
3. Bread, grain

bread that is made from wheat flour with good quality is the ideal choice for
The foods made from grain such as
spaghetti, bread and grain for breakfast are rich of folic acid. A slice of
bread that provides folic acid contains 60mcg folic acid.
Nutritious experts advise pregnant women to
use the foods that are provided with folic acid. They should try to eat the
same kind of food that is rich of folate (broccoli, vegetables whose leaves
have dark green with sandwich) to make the amount of folic acid that is
absorbed for body is more.
Mothers shouldn’t think that bread doesn’t
contain nutrients for children. White bread that is made from wheat flour with
good quality is the ideal choice for babies. White bread contains fiber. It
also helps prevent constipation, heart disease, high blood pressure and
diabetes. Moreover, bread can be added Fe and vitamins of group B such as
niacin, folic acid, thiamin and riboflavin.
4. Broccoli

is the food that is rich of Fe and folic acid that can help prevent anemia
because of lacking Fe.
A bowl of broccoli soup contains 104mcg
folic acid (about ¼ the demand about folic acid every day). In addition,
broccoli is also rich of calcium, vitamin C, fiber and Fe.
In pregnancy, pregnant women will need more
blood than the normal time. Suffering from anemia will relate to lacking Fe. If
pregnant women have anemia, they will feel tired, dazzled and dizzy. Therefore,
it won’t be good for mothers and babies.
Therefore, pregnant women need to provide
enough Fe to avoid anemia. Broccoli is the food that is rich of Fe and folic
acid that can help prevent anemia because of lacking Fe. Therefore, pregnant
women shouldn’t skip this precious food.
Broccoli not only is rich of folic acid but
also contains a plentiful amount of vitamin C that can help babies’ body absorb
Fe and calcium better.
5. Asparagus

not only is rich of folic acid but also contains fiber that is good for babies’
digestive system.
A bowl of cooked asparagus contains 79mcg
folic acid.
Women in pregnancy should use asparagus
regularly because folic acid in asparagus is good for the development of
babies. When babies are born, asparagus will help mothers have the plentiful
source of milk.
To children
Asparagus not only is rich of folic acid
but also contains fiber that is good for babies’ digestive system. Mothers can
process many delicious dishes from asparagus for babies to change meals.