Baby’s sleep is paid attention more than
their eating, drinking and weight.
1. Create suitable sleeping space
The golden rule to practice the habit of
going to bed on time of babies is that mothers need an ideal space or quiet
space having melodious sound and mild light. Babies themselves can ease and
fall asleep without effect of mothers. Children will begin sleep with less
stress and easily sleep after waking up to earn living at night. Therefore,
mothers will also have a good sleep with babies.

need to an ideal space or quiet space having melodious sound and mild light to
practice babies the habit of going to bed on time.
The way that is used to help babies be
conscious of time of sleeping includes making hygiene for babies, massaging,
letting babies drink milk, lulling or reading stories for babies to hear. Those
activities will repeat every evening and they will become habit. At this time,
mothers only need to put babies on bed, comfort babies and after that they can
sleep immediately. Mothers need to pay attention to put babies lie on their back
to reduce the risk of SIDS.
2. Help babies sleep with gentleness
Sleeping is a necessary thing and
completely natural to babies. Babies cannot find this instinct in all of the
situations. If babies are half-closed, feel asleep and their mothers put them
on bed to sleep with a thud or there is a strong noise, it’s normal when babies
jump. Babies really feel asleep, this is a challenge for both mothers and
When babies are going to sleep, mothers
should give babies the breast, feed babies with bottle or suck dummy. When
babies are going to sleep, mothers should limit sudden sounds by singing or
opening music for lulling louder. Mothers’ steps and putting babies on bed or
cradle need gentleness. Mothers need to pay much attention to letting babies
leave mothers’ arms and lie on bed. A good tip for mothers is: to sensitive
babies, mothers should keep a blanket when they hold babies so that babies will
feel warm.

babies are going to sleep, mothers should give babies the breast, feed babies
with bottle…
3. Let babies sleep on the same bed with mothers
There are many advantages when babies sleep
on the same bed with their parents. It not only helps connect love of mothers
and babies more but also creates invisibly physical connection. To mothers that
give children the breast, sleeping in the same bed will be very convenient for
mothers to feeding babies at night. Many mothers recognize that sleeping on the
same bed can help them comfort babies quickly when they wake up. To babies that
are shy and have internal life, it’s very good for intensifying intimacy by
sleeping with them.

babies sleep with their parents on the same bed can bring both advantages and
However, when many children sleep with
their parents, they will be easier to be affected than they sleep alone. In
addition, according to some believable scientific researches, babies that sleep
on the same bed with adults will have higher risk of catching SIDS than babies
that sleep alone. In reality, in the total cases of SIDS, there are 50% cases
of death when babies sleep with their parents.
According to a new direction of USA
Institute of Pediatrics, parents should put babies in cradle, or in separated
bed that is put near their parents’ bed. This is the safest way. You need to
ensure the following basic rules:
Put babies lie on their back when they sleep
Put objects that van obstruct babies to turn
over far away
Do not let babies sleep on water bed, sofa or
Maintain environment without cigarette smoke
Parents shouldn’t absolutely use wine, drug or
any stimulants when there is presence of children.
Avoid putting baby between father and mother

should put babies lie on their back when they sleep.

should avoid putting baby between father and mother.
4. Practice babies the habit of asking to hold when they feel asleep
If mothers create for babies the habit of
asking to hold when they feel asleep in the first months of life (normally
under 5 years old), babies will always stay with their mother when they sleep.
Without mothers’ warm and smooth arms, babies won’t sleep, cry and they are
easy to wake up. It is similar to weaning for babies, it takes some weeks to
practice babies to sleep alone and it requires big patience of mothers.
However, effect of this thing is very big, babies will become more
independently, and mothers won’t feel tired to stay up to take care of babies
at night.
The way to eliminate the habit of asking to
hold when babies want to sleep: First of all, mothers should repeat familiar
thing to help babies to sleep such as: give babies the breast, read stories or
sing to lull. When babies are alert, mothers can put babies in cradle and sway
to help them sleep, you don’t need to wait until babies sleep. If babies cry,
mothers should only comfort them by talking or comforting to ease them and you
shouldn’t hold babies except for the case that babies cry. You should also do
similarly if babies wake up in the middle of night. After 3 nights of doing
this habit consistently, from the 4th night, mothers can begin to
separate babies and put babies’ mind at ease in necessary cases. Until the 9th
day, many babies begin to have rule of conduct, mothers can completely
feel secure because children can be obedient to sleep well.
5. Test with method “7 days help babies sleep well”- Ferberizing
If mothers begin to feel bored and tired
with spending a lot of time to let babies sleep every morning, mothers can
consider method Ferberizing ( 7 days help babies sleep well). This is the
method that is popularized by Richard Ferber, the author of book that is
published in 1980, “Solve Your Child’s Sleep Problems”. This method should be
applied for babies in the age from 4-8 months old.
You should begin sleeping time of babies with
activities before going to bed. You shouldn’t wait until babies sleep and put
them in cradle after that. When babies are between waking and sleeping, mothers
should put babies in cradle. Although babies cry, mothers shouldn’t hold babies
and put their mind at ease with a soft voice and comfort babies by clapping their
backs. The next thing is that mothers will leave room in a while with 5 minutes.
After that, mothers will come back and sooth babies if children feel
unpleasant. At this time, if children cry loudly, mother shouldn’t take babies
out of cradle. You should repeat this period when babies sleep alone and do
similarly if babies wake up in the middle of night. In the second night, the
time for mothers to leave babies will be longer than the first night.
Similarly, in the next nights when babies themselves can study how to comfort
them, mothers don’t need to sooth when babies wake up.

important rule is that you should take babies decisive element, not time of
You should record daily schedule of babies
regularly, mothers will recognize that the days when babies sleep well and on
time will relate to time of eating, playing, bathing… After that, you can infer
the suitable time with babies. The important rule is that you should take
babies decisive element, not time of parents.