Using those foods regularly during pregnancy
will help pregnant women have good health and baby develop perfectly.

care foods that pregnant women should eat
We know that diet in pregnancy is extremely
important in order to provide good health for mothers and enough nutrients for
babies. However, not anyone knows how to choose the best and benefit foods for
Let’s learn the best foods for pregnant
women and babies
Rice soup with carp

soup with carp
Probably, everyone knows that carp stewed
with sticky rice and red beans or cooked with onion and turmeric is effective
on pregnant care. Besides, they affect to resist swell, be good for blood
circulation, reduce fatigue and anemia, and increase breast milk.
This dish is very popular and definitely
any women are eaten it during their pregnancy. The process of cooking rice soup
with carp is quite simple, so if you can carry out, please add this dish into
your weekly diet.

Egg is ranked as top good foods for
pregnant women. Eggs contain important trace elements such as potassium,
sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, and especially iron that is necessary for body.
For those who have anemia should eat more chicken eggs to absorb iron
Eggs provide significant amount of protein
that has high biological value (the kind of protein contains amino acid which
are nearly like and essential for human body). Furthermore, eggs also contain lots
of vitamin A, D, B2, B6, B12, folic acid, choline, iron, calcium, phosphorus,
potassium, and fats, especially omega 3. These nutrients focus mostly on yolk,
egg white has water and protein. Minerals such as vitamin, iron, calcium, and
magnesium are able to resolve substances causing cancer. Therefore, chicken
eggs contain many nutrients that there are not in any other foods. These
nutrients are particularly good for body especially pregnant women.
However, because eggs contain lots of
cholesterol, pregnant women need to eat about 3 to 4 eggs a week.

According to Oriental medicine, sugarcane
juice taste sweet and neutral temper which affect on cooling, detoxicating,
destroying phlegm, resisting vomit, curing fever, red urine, and very nutritious.
About nutrient value, the recent researches
have shown that in sugarcane, besides basic ingredients be kinds of sugar by
70%, they also contain protein, fat, carbohydrate, minerals, vitamins and
nearly 30 kinds of organic acids. Therefore, sugarcane not only fits with taste of everyone by comfortable sweet, but also provides body
energy and necessary nutrients.
Mixing sugarcane juice with ginger also
affects to treat morning sickness. Moreover, the recipe for pregnant care is
sugarcane germ 30g, spine bulbs 20g, motherwort 20g, amomum 2g. All are
chopped, dried, cooked with 400ml water until to 100ml, drink it twice in one
day. This remedy is useful for pregnant care and preventing from miscarriage
Sunflower seeds

This is a favorite snack for women to
gossip, not only that, sunflower seeds are also rich in vitamin E which helps
pregnant care and reduce the risk of miscarriage.
These are the list of nutritious foods for
pregnant women. Besides, pregnant women should also remember to avoid eating
spicy, salty, bad quality food and much fatty foods, as well as make a good
mood every day to welcome healthier baby. The husband should also pay attention
that in pregnancy the greatest gifts for wives are happy and fresh spirit, and
nutritious foods for unborn baby.