When mothers buy broccoli, mothers should
pay attention to its color. Delicious broccoli will have dark green or dark
violet and it depends on kind. If broccoli has yellow color or it even has
yellow flower, that is old broccoli and mothers shouldn’t choose it.

and preserve broccoli
You can preserve in nylon bag, keep bag
open and put it in fridge. Temperature in fridge will help restore content of
vitamin C. You shouldn’t wash it before preserving because this thing can make
it spoiled quickly, and if do you don’t wash it, you can preserve it in some
days. If you preserve broccoli in a long time, you can destroy its naturally
sweet taste.
4. Some small tips that can process broccoli: both delicious and
and sweet with broccoli fried with shrimp

that is fried with shrimp is delicious and easy to make.
1 broccoli
1 carrot
200 grams of common tiger prawn
Spices: 2 dried onions, 1 small onion, salt,
sugar, monosodium glutamate, cooking oil
How to do:
Separate broccoli into branches, wash them to
get rid of sand, keep them dry and then cut them into small pieces that are
suitable to eat.
Sharpen peel of carrot, and slice with stick
Skin common tiger prawn, get rid of head, keep
tail, cut along their back to take black thread out
Dried onion and onion are cut thinly
Make pot hot and pour a little of cooking oil,
pour onion into and after that you pour shrimps (onion is yellow), flavor with
½ spoon of salt, a little of sugar and wedging particles
When shrimps become underdone, pour carrot and a
little of cold water, and after that, turn over to make carrot become soft quickly.
If mothers don’t want shrimps become pulped,
they can take them out when they are cooked.
Pour cauliflower into when carrot is soft, after
that you will add ½ spoon of salt, ½ spoon of wedging particles and a little of
sugar. Turn over with big fire and flavor again. If it is rather dry, you can
add water more to make cauliflower soft.
When cauliflower and carrot are soft, you pour
shrimps into pot again, turn over and turn off cooker.
Pour it into dish and eat it with rice. Mothers
can make fish sauce to dip or eat without fish sauce because it is also tasty.
Cauliflower fried with beef

that is fried with beef is rich of nutrients.
½ cauliflower
½ broccoli
1 big carrot
How to do:
Slice beef small, embalm with sugar, pepper,
garlic that is chopped fine
Cauliflower and broccoli are cut into pieces.
Carrot is sliced into long thread, not too thin
because it can be pulped.
Put pan on cooker, pour a little of oil into and
wait until oil becomes hot, after that you pour onion into pan and make it
yellow. Next, you pour beef into pan and fry until it is underdone and pour
beef into bowl quickly. Frying beef separately will make beef soft, not hard.
Put pan on fire again, pour carrot and a little
of water into to make carrot soft, after that you pour cauliflower into, flavor
with ½ spoon of salt, a little of sugar and wedging particles. Keep suitable
fire to make cauliflower cooked and soak spices.
When cauliflower is nearly cooked, pour beef
into pan and turn over quickly, make fire big in 1-2 minutes and you turn over
mixture and let them absorb all of spices, then turn off cooker.
You can add a little of pepper to decorate, you
can eat it with hot rice and you can dip with fish sauce and chili. It is very