There are lots of foods that can help
the body be against harmful pollution.
With development of economy and technology,
modern society brings our daily life a lot of benefits. However, it also brings
a lot of pollutions such as radiation of computer, noise and dust….What can we
do to deal with modern pollutions?
In reality, we can begin with daily diet. The
following foods can prevent harmful pollution for human body:
Kelp – prevents radiation
According to research of scientists, apoptosis
that is extracted from kelp can inhibit resistance, and prevent effect of
radiation to people’s body. Therefore, eating kelp can help prevent radiation,
mutation and oxidization.

kelp can help prevent radiation, mutation and oxidization.
Millet – prevents noise
In noisy environment, body will consume a
large amount of vitamins of group B. Hence, people working regularly in noisy
environment should eat a lot of foods that are rich in vitamins of group B such
as millet, oat, corn…
Soya cured – prevents toxin
Soya curd has nutritious value and value
for drug that are high. Main component of soya cured is protein; 100 grams of
soya curd contain content of protein that is over 34%. In addition, soya curd
contains over 8 kinds of amine acids, mineral, calcium that are very useful for
people’s health.
Protein in soya curd can help eliminate
toxin in human body and then it will excrete through digestive system.
Tomato – reduces damage due to radiation
Result of scientific survey shows that
maintaining to consume tomato and foods from tomato can make people have less
effect by damages that are caused by radiation. Moreover, the rate of death is
lower. When it is brought into body, it will extinguish free sources on surface
of skin and crate a natural barrier that can prevent outside damages caused by
radiation of ultraviolet ray. In addition, tomato improves collagen and elastin
that can increase elastic feature for skin. It also helps reduce pigment. As a
result, it can make skin become white.

to consume tomato and foods from tomato can make people have less effect by
damages that are caused by radiation.
Milk – prevents lead
Everyday drinking milk in the morning and
in the evening will help you drive safely and you will be a healthy driver
because milk contains protein component that can be combined with lead to
create dissolved compounds of body. Therefore, it only helps body prevent
absorption of lead but also improves excretion of lead.
Chili – prevents radiation
Foods that contain a lot of spices can be
regularly used as foods to prevent natural radiation. Consequently, in daily
diet, you should try to use a lot of chilies in cooking.
Black mushroom – prevents cadmium
Cadmium is a substance that causes chronic
poison that can damage people’s kidneys seriously. It is reason that causes
diseases about bone. Black mushroom is food that absorbs cadmium when it breaks
into human body through digestive system and it will excrete outside to help
body become more pure.

mushroom can prevent cadmium.
Garlic – prevents radiation, harmful effect of processed
Garlic is an important spice for cooking.
Garlic contains selenium and antioxidants can be much better than ginseng. So
eating garlic will help you reduce damages caused by radiation remarkably.

garlic will help you reduce damages caused by radiation remarkably.
Consuming processed foods that are
processed in a long time can lead to cancer of digestive system. Garlic
remarkably has effect in inhibiting process of synthesizing nitrosamine, one of
the elements causing this serious disease. Therefore, it has effect in
preventing forming of cancer of digestive system. Moreover, garlic contains 17
kinds of amine acids including lysine, Leucine, Valine, methionine...that are
good for people’s health.