Maybe you can be surprised when you
detect that there is an invisible mine of salt in your diet.
Our body is consuming sodium too much
because sodium is hidden in a lot of foods that seem to be healthy and don’t
cause obesity. To mark perpetrators that make the amount of sodium increase
every day, you need to read label of products carefully. In addition, you need
to look to the amount of sodium in each portion and percent of sodium that is
provided more.
Grain for breakfast
Breakfast grain is a judicious choice for a
healthy breakfast. However, some products can have about 300mg of sodium for
each cup.
Pudding cake
This is food whose content of sodium is
high. In addition, it doesn’t have salty taste. You will be surprised about
rate of sodium in some snacks, for example pudding cake contains 400mg of
sodium in ½ cup.

cake contains high content of sodium.
Diet-foods that have been prepared
Frozen and cooked foods are often
advertised with low amount of calories or they have less fat. However, in
reality, these foods have high content of sodium (sometimes it is provided with
sugar). Some foods contain sodium that is similar to the amount of sodium in 8
bags of fried potatoes.
Canned tuna
Tuna is known as source that provides
protein and healthy omega-3 fat acid. However, if you choose canned tuna, you
are proving with 400mg of sodium in 100grams of portion.
Canned fruits and vegetables
Canned fruits and vegetables are often
added with sauces and spices. A can contains 730mg of sodium. You should choose
foods that have note “no salt added” or use fresh fruits and vegetables.
Bread and small loaf of bread for breakfast
One slice of white bread can contain 230mg
of sodium. This amount seems to be not too much; however, it will advance
equally if you eat bread all day.

slice of white bread can contain 230mg of sodium.
Packed poultry
Level of sodium in poultry will be
different because it depends on way to prepare. Packed chicken often contains a
salt solution that can make the amount of sodium in meat increase. 100-gram
portion can contain 440mg of sodium.
Fruit and vegetable juice
Healthy drink such as tomato juice can
contain more sodium than you think if you choose canned or processed juices.
You should use fresh fruit and vegetable juice – a glass of pure tomato juice
only contains 10mg of sodium.

fruit juice contains more sodium than you think.
Tosses salad
Tossed salad not only provides more fat but
also makes the mount of sodium become noticeable. A spoon of oil contains 250mg
of sodium. Packages of sauce of tomato and mushroom or spice package also
contain sodium, each of spice spoons contains about 150mg of sodium.
Canned soup
A bowl of canned soup contains 1000mg of
sodium. The best way is that you should prepare soup at home to control the
amount of salt that you add with the best way.