When you begin feeding babies with foods,
you can totally start with meat.
Weaning is an interesting switch of babies,
from drinking milk to getting used to foods that get solider and rawer every
month. However, not many moms know how to get their children right weaning. Way
a part from traditional concepts, the modern way to wean will bring many
Children always get used to weaning by eating gruel?
fact: It isn’t necessary.
According to tradition, rice and grains in
general are recommended to be the most ideal for children to start eating with
since they have iron, are safe and rarely cause allergy to children. However,
moms can totally choose other foods for instead.

concepts that confirm the fact children should start eating with gruel and
vegetables before with meat and fish is not really compulsory.
The concepts that confirm the fact children
should start eating with gruel and vegetables before with meat and fish is not
really compulsory. In fact, the latter researches show that moms can totally
start feeding babies with protein. Meats that have lots of iron and zinc will
be timely sources for babies when they are 6 months old. At the moment of time,
breast milk and formula can’t afford baby’s needs of zinc and iron.
Giving babies weaning by soy milk instead of cow’s milk

milk has an advantage which is safe but it completely unnecessary.
fact: It’s completely wrong.
Cow’s milk is the best replacement for
breast milk. In contradistinction to soy milk, the protein in cow’s milk is
defined to be most similar to breast milk. Human can only develop with animal protein,
not vegetable protein.
Soy milk has an advantage which is safe but
it completely unnecessary. There’re many cases parents having their children
have flatulence use soy milk to feed their children and wish that their
children will get better digestion drinking the milk. In fact, soy milk doesn’t
bring digestion better than cow’s milk any much. Actually, to children who are
allergic to cow’s milk, goat’s milk is the better replacement.
Limiting feeding children with formulas that have lots of
iron because they will cause constipation
fact: It isn’t necessary.
The percentage of iron in formula is not
high because iron is hard to be digested. The iron that newborns get from
formula is not enough to cause constipation. On the other hand, iron is a
micronutrient that is extremely necessary to children’s physical and mental
developments. In the period that children start eating, moms should provide
them with iron by feeding them with formula.
Weaning baby when they cry at night

children cry at night is not always for hunger.
fact: Not really
Regardless of the source of information,
that children cry at night is not always for hunger. Sometimes, it might simply
because they haven’t reached the stage of development to have full sleeps. Only
when children are 4 months old, most of them can sleep successively 5 to 6
hours. No matter how long children sleep, the main reason comes from the
central mental system. By the way, height and weight also need considering.
It’s scientifically proved that the older children grow the longer their sleeps
get. Still, heavy-weighed newborns also have better night sleeps in comparison
to the same-aged.
For that reason, don’t rush in weaning
children anytime they cry at night or try to combine gruel with milk as the
fact can cause baby’s excess calorie absorption which leads to obesity. Those
methods won’t bring babies better sleeps.
Children who wean can quit drink milk

milk or formula milk is still the only source of nutrients of babies during their
first year.
fact: It’s completely wrong.
When children start to eat, their bodies
aren’t ready for absorbing the total of calories and essential micronutrients
by eating processed foods. Breast milk or formula milk is still the only source
of nutrients of babies during their first year. Even when children show no
interest in the milk and focus on eating solid foods, moms still have to feed
them at least 600ml milk everyday till the day they’re 1 year old. If children
don’t like breast milk, you should feed them with breast milk before meals
because it’s the time they’re hungriest.