Despite being the best moms of the world, moms are not kind of
service always available when their children need.
Should you teach your children as French moms do?
‘French Children Don’t
Throw Food’ is a book opening up the door containing mothering secret from
Paris – the most splendid and civilized place of the world. However, since
first launched, it has kindled many controversies about how to teach children.
Some are in flavor of
it, some does not agree with it, but anyone who is interested in the book can
learn many things from it.
Not only describing the
ways how foreign children eat, sleep, and play, but ‘French Children Don’t
Throw Food’ also explains how French babies less than 2 years old can sit
obediently and patiently waiting for food in restaurants, agree to eat 4 meals
a day on time, and be always obey their parents.
What can you learn from French moms?
First, you can learn
how to teach children to be self-reliant from French moms. While English,
American, or many other moms throughout the world indulge their children all
the time, and almost jumping up worrying when they crying, calling, falling, or
even not eating, French moms do not.
When babies are born,
French moms let them lie separately and limit to hold or embrace them. If
babies cry at night, French moms do not come and comfort right away. In
contrast, they let their babies calm down and stop crying on their own.
According to French
moms’ opinion, despite being the best moms of the world, moms are still moms,
not kind of service always available when their children need. And, they choose
to stand from afar and just observe, encourage their children rather than come
to lift them up or do everything for them.
The book also mentions
the way how French children eat very self-reliantly even when still very young.
2-year-old French babies are able to sit and eat with their families, take food
on their own, and eat all food being served.
If children fall when
walking or standing, French moms also let them find way to stand up on their
own before coming to lift them up. This makes up the fact that while American
moms have to strenuously stick to their children when they practice walking,
French moms can sit on chairs and naturally let their children at the same age
manage and practice by themselves.
In their opinion, good
parenting does not mean having to serve children regularly. So, French moms are
always tidy, calm, still work normally, and spend quite much time beautifying.

moms train their children how to be self-reliant when they are still young.
Second, you can learn
how to teach children about discipline from French moms. According to them,
discipline is the base of educating and caring children.
French moms feel no problem in refusing
children’s demands, and they have the same opinion on how to say ‘no’ to
children. ‘No’, in the most simple way, is understood as ‘must not’, ‘cannot’, and children have to obey.
An interesting thing is
that children at many places in the world can ask for gifts whenever they want,
French children only ask for gifts twice a year – on birthday and Noel. If they
are greedier, they may even be punished.
French moms also spank
their children if they are spoiled. The most important thing is parents’ power
when saying ‘no’.
Through meals, children
are also educated about discipline. Like other members in family, a French
child has 4 meals a day: breakfast at 8 am, lunch at 12 pm, snack at 4pm, and
dinner at 8 pm.
In the scope of what
children are and are not allowed to do, parents are the ones to supervise them the
most strictly. However, inside this scope, French moms still let their children
freely do what they like.
Third, you can learn how to teach children about polite
behaviors from French moms. In a French family, a child is still only a member
as others. They are not the center of all members, and not the center of the
universe, either.
That means children
have to respect the needs of other members and behave kindly so that other
members’ needs in families are not influenced.
For example, children
can stay at parents’ room in the evening, but have to come back to their rooms
to sleep and give back the private space to their parents. For French moms,
this is an obvious fact.
The way French children
eat is also very courteous. They sit obediently waiting for their turns to be
served. Instead of shouting at children like ‘be quiet’ or ‘do not do like
that, but do like this’, French moms usually just need to say ‘wait for your
In general, French children are educated very carefully
about polite behaviors before eating. They are taught to say ‘thank you’,
‘hello’, ‘sorry’ when starting to babble some words.
When wanting to present
something, they also wait for their parents (or adults) to stop their story
before starting to say. This explains why French children are often received
much praise about polite behaviors.
Besides, French moms also respect their children’s private
world very much. They do not force
their children to learn much and gain much knowledge, or get high scores, but
want them to develop naturally and invest much in diversified spiritual life.
Reading book, doing
crafts, going to the museum are things most French moms have done with their
children. Therefore, they become perfect for many people.
But, do not learn one thing from French moms - not suckling babies
It is hard to learn these
2 things from French moms according to their information showed by the author.
First, French do not
suckle their children since they are afraid of worsening their breasts. This is
so strange when science has proven the preeminence of breast milk. Just imagine
that when you suckle your children, they get enough nutrients, and become
healthy and intelligent. As a result, everyone looking at a healthy and smart
baby will have a good feeling with it.
If you have nice breasts,
just only you (and your husband) are satisfied with that.
Even if you can wear sexy clothes to show off your nice
breasts, does there anyone care about that when there are so many big, full,
and fleshy breasts outside. Maybe some say that what you are wearing are
neither more nor less silicone bags.

Do not learn one thing from French moms - not
suckling babies
And especially, even if
French milk processing technology is the most modern in the world, it is
certainly that breast milk, existent during human’s history for millions year,
is still an essential source of nutrient that nothing can be compared with.
It cannot be agreed when French moms put cognac wine to
the milk just for their children to sleep peacefully during the night.
Not mention the
harmfulness of stimulant for a few-month-old (or just few-week-month) young
baby, using wine so that it can sleep peacefully and thinking ‘go head, that’s
enough, and now it can sleep until the next morning’ will make a mom become a
very selfish person.
How to teach children is the delicacy of everyone, and more
widely to say, of a whole culture. But, love and responsibility are things no
one and and no culture can reject.
If you love your
children more than everything and know how to live responsibly to them, you
will certainly be more perfect than any mom in the world.