Spinach is not only nutrient, antipyretic,
and cool but also is the best drug to prevent bone diseases.

is very good for bone.
According to recent research, spinach
contains a big amount of antioxidant such as vitamin E and selenium which can
prevent early aging, promote cell development, activate brain function,
increase brain’s vitality, prevent brain’s aging and Alzheimer. Besides, eating
spinach can also prevent bone fracture in old people.
The research proves that, spinach is rich
in potassium, magnesium, vitamin K and other substances which can promote the
role of calcium for strong and healthy bone.

is an annual, environmentally friendly and edible flowering plant.
Best way to eat spinach
Supplement 200mg of vitamin K from spinach
in daily meal will maintain and strengthen the role of mineral substance in
bone. And 200mg of vitamin K is equivalent to 100g of spinach.
Cooking: Vitamin K does not react with high
temperature, so cooking process will not lose much nutrient. However, you
should combine vitamin K with carrot and a bit of cooking oil for your body
easily to absorb.

should combine vitamin K with carrot and a bit of cooking oil for your body
easily to absorb.
You should not combine spinach with soya
curd, because soya curd has a higher content of vegetable protein and magnesium
chloride, calcium sulfate… when cooking together, it can reduce the amount of
vitamin in spinach.