From birth until ages of 5-6, children
experience the magical language development.
During this time, babies can learn more
than 6,000 words. Many of them start recognizing letters of the alphabet,
writing or reading some words.

your baby to learn language with familiar but strange method
Phonetics helps children understand the
letters of the alphabet and the sound of each word. When children can connect
the phonetic to the writing, it is time they can decode the word.
Although there is no agreement on what
kinds of word should be taught to children first, the children usually want to
learn important words to them. They want to study how to write their name and
the words such as “father”, “mother”, or even the name of their beloved dog.

birth until ages of 5-6, children experience the magical language development.
When you teach your children the alphabet,
just follow the methods below:
Read the letters first. You may teach your
children capital letters first then teach normal ones.
Teach them the alphabetical song when pointing
each letter.
Focus on the shape of each letter. Tell your
children that some letters include only straight lines like A, E, but some
others contain curves only such as C, O, and the other letters have both
straight lines and curves like B, D and P.
Start with continuous sounds. After your children
have known the letters and how to connect the sounds with their writing, start
teaching them consonants which have continuous sounds such as F, L, M, N, R and
Ensure that study is funny to children.
Learning alphabet is good, but letting them read interesting books is also good
for them.

the letters first. You may teach your children capital letters first then teach
normal ones.